Announcement Community Feedback: Answered Questions #2

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Shanty, Oct 7, 2022.

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  1. Shanty

    Shanty User

    Dear Heroes of Dracania

    It is that time of the month again! We have gathered an unbelievable amount of your questions and feedback, it took us some more time to get all the questions since there were so many of them.
    If there are any more questions after reading through this, I am sure they will be answered during the next Q&A.

    Without any further ado, let's jump right into it:

    - Any plans for a new class?
    The class has been in making since last year, but only specific aspects of it and were being done separately,but there hasn't been a dedicated work on it yet, there could be more info on it next year.

    - Will we introduce more mythical things like Dragan set, if so do we have plans how they will be obtained?
    A mythical item was recently introduced, but not as an equipment item, it was the Ruined Amphora from the pirate pre-event quests.
    More mythical items are not planned as of now, because they would probably be the current best items and the focus now is to balance the PvE experience and the farming in general, so bringing more high-end items would only make this task difficult.

    - Different rewards for the Big Gift from the winter event?
    Yes, the rewards from the Big Present in Kingshill will be changed for the next Christmas event

    - Any plans to add "premium elixir" in the store to obtain for money or andermants or will it be possible to get them from mystical cubes, if so will the probability be upgraded?
    The point of the elixir was to make the mystic cubes worth grinding for and opening,
    rather than saving and stacking, even if players still save the cubes for special occasions. The elixirs are supposed to be mystic cubes- and premium-exclusive, so at most they might be obtainable from Premium Day offers.

    - Any plans on merging servers into one big one?
    It is being discussed.

    - Are any reworks planned(e.g. sets, items, events or skills)?
    Yes, with the "Content Expansion". We are not 100% sure how big the reworks are going to be yet. But since the monster values and character values will change, so will the equipment items in general.

    - Will there be more options/methods to obtain the Anniversary weapon(e.g. craftable)?
    No, there are no plans as of now.

    - Are we going to make DSO more new player-friendly, especially since we are going to release it on steam?
    Yes, as there will be a rebalance in terms of bosses and monster fighting, so will there be with the quests rewards and the level you unlock the Parallel Worlds.

    - Are there plans introduce classic servers(lv 45) in the future?
    No plans as of now.

    - Will the jewel drop chance be increased?
    No, but there are plans for more and cooler jewels to be added, both before and with the Content Update.

    - What are the plans regarding PvP?
    There is also a further PvP rework planned, this time a more global one, featuring a new PvP mode and a whole revamp of the skill tree, but it is to happen after the Content Update and may even be early next year.

    - Plans to introduce a server transfer option(either paid or for free)?
    It is being discussed.

    - Are we going to fix rubberbanding and slow loading?
    We are currently working on multiple ways to implement that prevent it from occurring as much as possible.

    - Will the Helios event return?
    Yes, it will, with the planned further PvP rework and changes.

    - Will there be a stormball event?
    Currently no plans for now, but you can purchase the costumes that you can obtain from the event by some of the upcoming Gnob's Offers.

    - Will DSO get a mobile version? No.

    Content Expansion:
    1. Will current items become useless? e.g. Dragan set - No, the Mythical items will not become useless.
    2. More information so players know how to prepare? - It will probably come with the due time, but there will not be any drastic changes that would harm the user experience or any removals of items farmed by players.
    3. Will there be a new level cap? No.
    4. New maps or quests? There will be several new maps and more variations of them, most lava and fire related. Same goes for the quests, there will be quest lines linked to each one of the maps.

    End game:
    1. Any plans to introduce more challenges for end-game players who are already maxed out? Yes, there are plans that we would like to introduce. More information will follow in a seperate Post once things are finalized.
    2. Add bosses or modes with a higher difficulty? No, there are no plans for introducing a higher difficulty.
    3. If there are plans, when will they get added? The stuff we have in store for you and want to implement and release still need work to be fully ready. We do not have a fixed date for everything, it will release in due time ;)

    Content Creation and Twitch streaming:
    1. Twitch drops and Amazon Prime gaming? The Marketing Team and I are currently looking into a Twitch drop implementation for our Content Creators.
    2. Dev diaries and behind the scenes? Not only are we looking for ways to support our Content Creators but also working ideas for a new streaming Setup which we want to use to regularly stream, do giveaways, tournaments, Content/Meme Contests, etc.!
    Also, we want to create Behind the scenes, "Dev diaries" and other content for you(feel free to tell us what you would like to see) for the Youtube/Social Media platforms(there are also talks about TikTok).
    3. Content Creator Program? We used to have some sort of partner program which was not fully developed and has been forgotten. Since I have received a ton of questions regarding content partnerships, the marketing team is working on a fully developed program to support our fellow content creators and players.


    We are aware that there is always something that can be better and we take all of your feedback to heart and really appreciate your input.

    The entire team is very thankful that you are as invested into Drakensang Online as us!

    Your Drakensang Online Team
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