Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    So wisdom runes aren't attractive enough and they feel the need to nerf our MF farming powers while jacking up MF prices? Not happy about this!

    And now... I will finally give my two cents with regards to PvP since I finally got a few matches last night. I do not think my experience can be extrapolated to endgame, however, given I was PvPing in the following scenario: Level 27-29, no equipment higher than my level, all t0-1 stuff, from no rank to Recruit, only duels. My opponents were in the same bucket but anywhere from -3 to +4 of my level ... The PvP "buff" given makes my character more OP inside the arena than outside. XD XD XD

    Edit: In case anyone is curious, the attack speed buff is 62.5%.

    Yes, the experience is pretty good. There is no one-shotting or getting one-shot. I was playing a SW with an orb against all classes and it required some strategy, kiting, and generally felt like the old days of lvl 45 max level. It's the first time I've reached exhaustion in a match in... years?

    Now, why do I say this cannot be extrapolated to endgame? Well, there's a ton of people there with t6 equipment (soon to be t8, apparently) with gold lines. Not to mention high honor level. Those base values and pvp bonus are so high these people will still have a massive advantage with that alone over the new players. xD There will still be one-shot games, especially with the ELO reset. XD XD XD

    Moreover, with stripping off all the gems, runes, sets, etc, there is now a lack of diversity in the arena. Block offhands are the only ones with a buff from PvP, now doesn't that seem unfair? Why not support the existence of other setups in the arena too? Perhaps mana bonus for 2h, crit damage for crit offhands or something like that.

    This update also does nothing to fix legacy twinks who have items leveled with gops to melt noobs.

    So anyways, this pvp update is dubious at best. There's too much I can't test with my noob character. My overall rating for the PvP changes can be summarized as: Meh.
    piteris2 and Please_enter_a_name like this.
  2. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it's not the game that sucks at logic, it's the developers

    Well, at least they are offering mounts and pets for gold or andermants and they removed the unlucky spheres( to cover their backsides of course), so that's something for those who love to collect

    Or is there something bad about it as well?
  3. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    so really no point to PvE. just play pvp gearless n drink beer. why wast time grinding for stuff i cant even bring to the arena n show off. really no point to pve. just make block build 1h.. the cash i spent was for the arena build. but i can see now i wont half to spend a dime more in gems ect. pvp gearless wow. if i knew about this 5 years ago i could have saved $$$

    --- MERGED ---

    thats because 1h is pvp bruh. overall 1h is 10X better in pvp is why i never went 2h
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 5, 2018
    piteris2 likes this.
  4. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    It's been a couple of days since I've been able to get on TS (server full... whatever :rolleyes:) But the last time I was on I noticed something that I really hope is a mistake.

    I was moving some gems around and I noticed the cost to add a 5th slot to my old uniques was... 172800 anders.

    Luck be with ye,
  5. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    I stopped playing imediatly i read

    wow, really this patch contains a lots of insane things on ts. good job devs :D
  6. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I've seen the same. I suspect it might be related to unique now coming with 5 slots.
  7. darkwarss

    darkwarss Forum Apprentice

    Hahah, yeah its 170k. But if you craft the unique item (give it new stats for example) it will give you 5 slots free on the crafted item.
  8. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    Are you really sure that you did not have materi runes in another shoulders/item? I'm not able to test materi runes as I can't get them, but I finally tested the mechanism on wisdom runes. The wisdom runes can be socketed to any item. The thing is that the message which is displayed when you tried to socket more than 5 wisdom/materi/group runes is not consistent. If you try to socket the rune into equipped item then "You can't use this gem on this item." message is shown. If you try to socket the rune into inventory item then "The maximum socketable amount of this item has been reached." message is shown.

    I doubt that materi rune is any special to wisdom rune, so the mechanism should work the same.

    It is because the probability weighting and difficulty weighting are set high for golden enchantments of legendary items. I doubt that such setting will make it to production server.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  9. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it has to come to live servers

    They are making specials and legendaries rarer than now and on top of that, crafting costs have been increased
    If they keep the probabilities we have now to craft 4 gold lines items and the lousy drops of legs and specials, that would be too umbalanced
  10. emmaaxxx

    emmaaxxx Someday Author

    Its not so strange for me, cause if they have put platinum lines then a golden line is like a white line. So it has a very good probability to "caught" golden lines. They could make them white and the new platinum to gold instead of putting new color, but they just kept the color so ppl feel "happier" when have gold lines, but we can see them like the ordinary white lines.

    Btw a craft full of tier 6-7 items always produce a tier 6 or 7 and this item is just like a drop tier 6-7 that has very high chance to have high echantments stats. For example crafting with tier1 pinks will be much rarer to have such increased stats on the produced item.
  11. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    On live server the cost of 37 teleport pieces for one TP on an infernal boss is 370 andermant, on TS the same 37 pieces are 2900 andermant for one TP. Nice done BP.
    Today if I have time I will put some comparative screens with marketing values from BP marketplace.
    They are on bad tracks they make no pay to win cheaper and make pay to win stuff expensive instead delete pay to win stuff from shop and make non pay to win expensive or achievable only with andermant.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  12. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    are teleports being offered for materi frags?
    I mean, who in is right mind would buy teleports with andermants?

    Also you have to remember that they removed the jesters and the unlucky spheres, which i suspect were a huge money making machine

    It's obvious that they were going to put the costs on something else to get back that lost revenue
  13. darkwarss

    darkwarss Forum Apprentice

    Yes, but they are a bit more expensive.
  14. emmaaxxx

    emmaaxxx Someday Author

    So, buy before release :)
  15. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    They will make a pay to win entrance more expensive just because they have removed another p2w feature from game.
    If you think that is ok then you deserve to waste your money and time in this p2w game, for me is not ok , i have seen games that are not p2w and they are ok just selling costumes skins for weapons and skins for skills, dso has mounts too they can sell many of those instead of boosts for life/drop/armor/damage(ess are ror andermant) and elixires entrances, gems, and many other p2w stuff.
    Is obvious for you, not for me and not for all those people (possible dso future players) that will never play dso because of all this p2w stuff that you find in shops.
    The cancer of this game is not came only from dev;s it came from players too.
    Those are new prices for TP about 925 matery for 37 rations vs 7308 and
    370 andermant vs 2923 andermant for same 37 rations =1 TP
    And the old ones

    In my opinion they should remove costs for infernal entrance and andermant cost for everything that can boost somehow a character.Just my opinion - if they want to revive this game they need to understand that marketing P2W system is not viable anymore and games that use that will die.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  16. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    The materi price of PW boss travel items is 2x cheaper (99 materi) in current TS version.

    The pricing mechanic of item's gem socket expansion has changed. The price is not tied to number of socket additions, but is fixed for particular socket. Example - let's have 2 blue items, I1 with no gem sockets opened, I2 with socket 1 opened. Opening socket 1 of I1 costs 15 anders, opening socket 2 of I1 costs 30 anders. Opening socket 2 of I2 costs 30 anders as well.
  17. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    can an RPG game that only offers cosmetic items as microtransactions work?
  18. Kestreel

    Kestreel Forum Apprentice

    I'm probably not really saying anything new here, but in the spirit of devs hearing from more than just a few people I will do it anyway. And yes I have been playing end game on the test server, before anyone asks.
    1. I like the harvesting of items for crafting, I'm sure there will be many complaints about graphics time but I have played many games with similar mechanics and this seems pretty average to me. I am happy for the addition of Infernals to regular world maps, between those levels and harvesting there is a reason now to play the "old" maps instead of grinding the same PW maps over and over and get the idea.
    2. I am concerned about the removal of jesters as jesters are the main source of rez stones & essence for all players, cash & f2p. I am afraid this lack of rez stones will lead to people being miserly with them and not rezzing often. This is always an issue with some people, but not with most and I foresee it becoming a bigger issue. Seems gold gambling only would solve that, no ander gambling. It wouldn't fall under "real world" gambling then as no real money would come into play.
    3. There is a shift in PVE & PVP both to cater to new players. I think this is a mistake as someone said before, new players get strong by help from old timers. The best gaming is when the strong help build the weak and in turn that previously weaker can help a new player when they grow. Pay it forward.
    4. Sapphires, I have none, my current main toon had almost none and they have been long since converted. HOWEVER, I am against the removal of them. Is my attack speed much slower than those who mained a SM long before I did? Of course it is, gives me something to work towards and a reason to grind that god awful new moon event. I don't whine about it, I work harder. Players who have played for a long time SHOULD have some things better than new players.
    5. I have a great concern about the cost of things. Crafting is already cost prohibitive, I sell almost everything in attempt to keep up(and fail). & yes I have everything at 4 gold but I still try to get better. Its fun, the point of gaming. Fun. I know they said there would be greater opportunities to get gold, but I have been playing on TS and I have yet to see that. If I hadn't received the gold "gift" on there I wouldn't be trying anything.
    6. New enchantments. I'm not happy with this addition to the game. I have spent soooo much gold to get my 4 gold line items, and still trying to get better gun, and I'm close, so all that being for nothing so quickly is bad. I am an adult player, I don't have 12 hours a day to play. Most people don't. I like trying to get better gold lines, but I don't HAVE to have them, as I will have to recraft all with the platinum lines
    I am not an avid PVP'er. We all know that it is severely unbalanced and broken in its current form. However it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out removing gear from PVP is a bad move. Most of my friends only PVE in order to PVP, and even the ones who enjoy both enjoy making a new build just for PVP, it adds dimension to the game. Not only does this affect those who have already spent countless hours, and gold, grinding maps and crafting, but it affects future players, who need something more to do end game than grind the same maps for gear that, as someone said before, only allows them to grind same map faster. Pointless for huge amounts of players, and potential players.
    Not being a huge PVP'er, I don't have the answers to how to fix it, I will defer to Trakilaki and others more knowledgeable in that realm of things than I.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes I have other 3 small runes in locker waiting for upgrade so I can upgrade the ones that i am using to higher tier.
    I did read the description before trying to put them in any item.
    Anyway ... whether it is a bug or not ... here is a video.

  20. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    Traki, just run for CM already... this guy Jesse isn’t doing crap to fix anything, be it bugs or this whole stupid situation we have now with PvP. That is our last resort :p
    darkwarss, trakilaki and mokranje like this.
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