Suggestion Control of Damage Mitigation

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BigPapa, Sep 12, 2015.

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  1. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Problem: It has been pointed out by many in different ways that the ability to control damage taken from mobs, and other toons in PVP, is currently insufficient. Currently the only alternative is for players to maximize defenses to mitigate more damage, and when implemented, an extreme shift takes place quickly making them incapable of causing sufficient damage to be competitive. This is causing an arms race with the result being 1 hit kills similar to PVP when colored essence utilized its full value in the R80's. A balance must be achievable between damage caused and damage mitigated. In an attempt to not only state the problem but offer a viable solution, I suggest the following:

    Solution: Modify the Knowledge tree with options for armor and resistance bonuses. Currently we have two options to increase damage (Speed and Damage) and a single option to increase survivability (HP) footspeed is neither and both. The limitation of HP is that although it directly increases the amount of damage that can be taken, it is insignificant in comparison to the damage opposing players and mobs can reach.

    This modification should be accompanied by additional points to allocate in the knowledge tree. Each category option(spd/dmg/hp/arm/res) should have a maximum value as is the case with current options.

    Additionally, the bonus received for armor should be class based. Melee classes should receive a higher percentage increase per point spent to mitigate the higher level of physical damage(armor) received compared to ranged characters. If/when the new melee class is introduced it should hold true for this class also.

    Support: Beyond the recognized issues effecting player satisfaction with the new release, this would allow players to modify characters to their liking and play style by offering the possibility of balance between damage and mitigation. It would be an across the board solution: both PVP and PVE, F2P and P2P, for all classes. It would reduce the significant swing that occurs when changing from offensive gear/settings to defensive. It would be a method of compensating for gear weaknesses. Gems would still hold high value in builds as increases would be % based. It would be simple to implement as the mechanics are already in place with the knowledge tree. It would be a graphical change and require minor modification to total armor and resistance formulas by adding the additional variable to the formula. It would give players a better sense of control and further the goal of build variability by accommodating multiple gear sets, and various stat lines. No more one size fits all builds. It would reduce the need for multiple fixes to other balancing issues and mob damage. It would allow players to more precisely modify setting depending on the task further instilling the sense of control. Fighting Baylor? Gahhh maximize resistance. PVPing against Mooj or Silverseas? Gaaah, maximize footspeed and resistance, "run awaaaay. It's only a rabbit." I could type support for another 3 pages, but you get it i'm sure.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
    _Baragain_, Yogo, maancrust and 2 others like this.
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Funny, I go to Balor with just 130 (5%) res. It's only what a level 50 warlord cape provides. I do much the same (if not even better) than when I went with 30% res. ;3

    :eek: But I am just a normal SW.

    In all seriousness though... what about the knowledge talent for increasing blocks? @@ That does count as defense too.

    As someone who's been varying degrees of glass for a really long time, I have to say that the answer to fixing my defensive problems (no cyanite shield, lost a huge chunk of HP) after r155 was just a change in playstyle (guardian lure much useful), and a complete shift in gems (res gems really aren't required in PvE, especially if you aren't a tank).

    So, I don't particularly care if there are additional talents in defense or not. It makes no real difference for me. I intend to invest all my knowledge points into offensive talents.


    I'm not sure whether this is going to be really helpful. Sure, it can help balancing your character, but it also gives the possibility to build your character at another extreme, e.g. flagrunner DKs that spend all their points in hp, def and speed. And we will again have the situation that some chars simply can't be killed.

    There's also that trend to play glass cannon in arena, because everybody is hyped about big damage numbers. Imagine everybody used a well-balanced character, the situtation might look completely different concerning damage mitigation and balancing.

    All in all i think at least the dmg bonus in wisdom tree is too strong, reduce the weapon damage to 30%, maybe 1,5% base damage per wisdom point.
  4. Howdy

    Howdy Forum Greenhorn

    The sad part that all your concerns in PVP going to affect PVE too.. SAD.
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