Suggestion Convert old runes please

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ghostmagicus, Jun 28, 2018.

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  1. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Please convert old runes, skull of onyx, jewel of rage, mooonstone, and others. I have worked a lot for those runes and now i cannot use because BP adds new type of runes without offering posibility to convert old runes, and slots are limited.
    meurerplay and navelko like this.
  2. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Convert them to what?
    Those are not runes but special gems.
    You can use them as runes anyway ... you don't need to convert them.
  4. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    You can still use them. I have 5 jewels of rage in the rune slots on my 1H switch weapon for DK and still use my 20 hp/sec skulls as well.

    Now, I do wish the bloodstones and moonstones could be still combined/converted or something. Supposedly they were to be replaced by HP gems but it never happened to me.
  5. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    onyx skuls should be converted to rune of regeneration
    jewel of rage should be converted to rune of devastation
    moonstone may be coverted to rune of grand celerity or so.

    I cant use anymore old runes (you may call gems) because i dont have enough slots( i have 5 slots on every item but is not enough).

    BP should add some refiners for converting, many players have those gems ans sooner or later they will face same problem.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
  6. meurerplay

    meurerplay Someday Author

  7. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    why you can't ?
    You can use them.

    ( you mean that you find those runes useless ? )
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    they are useless as of now
  9. meurerplay

    meurerplay Someday Author

    old runes besides being useless, there is no more space in the item slots, so converting to the new ones would be very nice
  10. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Ok, i already said that before, but i repeat, we worked hard for obtaing those gems, and now we cant even use them because there are not enough slots.

    BP should offer who wants posibility to convert those gems to current runes, if BP dont do that means mocking our hard work because we cant use them anymore.

  11. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro


    Which will be next step ? Whining about old sargon set ?
    The game update day by day. Just sell or trash old runes , with no regrets. You will have tons of free slots
  12. meurerplay

    meurerplay Someday Author

    @alchimista , Of course not, in any case they are runes, which are outdated, which costs a conversion to the new ones?
  13. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Do you have any of those gems? Do you know how hard was to be obtained?. Or just talk like a noob that rather wants that old players to trash their hard work instead of beeing rewarded for fidelity on game by offering posibility to convert?

    I already noticed you ask useless question like why i cannot use those gems, although already have explained twice i dont have enough slots.

    When you post in a thead try to read carefully what is about, than think twice beafore posting some.

    No one is whining, i just suggest to be done what i consider to be fair.
  14. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    I'd prefere if BP doesn't do this, at least now I can look at the old special gems and feel old.

    BTW you don't even have, or at least are not showing, the Shadow Jewel and yet you act like an old player :/
  15. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    If refiners will be added you may keep gems and look at them as much as you want.

    BTW, i dont inteded to make a contest who have most/many of old gems, if you want to prove something about this, you are welcome to open other thread and show what big shoot you are.
    meurerplay likes this.
  16. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You mean the "Shadow Stone?" Pft... you call yourself an old player and call them "Shadow Jewels."

    Yea, these aren't well balanced for today's meta anymore. I 'can' use them, but that doesn't mean that I 'would' use them. Same with the Onyx Skulls. If you have more than 40k HP, then even the Rune of Regeneration is going to outperform the Powerful Onyx Skull.
    alchimista likes this.
  17. meurerplay

    meurerplay Someday Author


    You are not required to refine an old rune if you do not want to, but I do not want to have to put these runes on items that I will not use for lack of slot in my items, is to bring the util to the pleasing.
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't think so :) ... they are not the same.
    Yes they are Special Gems they are not runes ... they already converted Peridot in Rune of Relentlessness if they wanted to do the same with the other gems they would have already done it.
    Also ... just because you are out of slots that doesn't mean they are not useful or you can't use them. Use 1H like me and you can use them ... here ... take a look I am still using them
    They are not outdated whatsoever.
    You want these converted too?
    or just those you can't use?
    There are some old special gems that are not useful anymore ... like Jewel of Immunity and the Shadow Stone
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    But then again ... Shadow Stone has always been useless ... even back then. So they belong to history.
    They are not outdated and they are not runes.
    I have plenty of them too ... i would benefit the most

    Who needs HP regeneration runes/gems anyway? They make no significant impact in PvE and they are not working in PvP.

    Refiners are working only if there is equivalent item ... there are no equivalent items to those gems so you can't convert them.
    I would like to convert my 1 euro coin into 1M euro credit card as well. XD
  19. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    That's the reason of what I wrote...

    I mean it was rude, just because he/she has a different idea about this topic.

    Oh sorry Mr Oracle :(....:D
    I have two in a gem holder helmet so it's been a long time before looking at them, I wasn't playing while I replied so I couldn't check the name, I was not sure if it was jewel or stone, so I wrote one. I think it is more fair like this instead of checking things just to be sure none can say u anything.

    Looking at first post it was looking like BP should convert old gems.
    I saw just one talking about refiners, but after a another said kinda "no" to the idea
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  20. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Obviously, not all gems can be converted, and some of gems there is no need to be converted.

    Lets see some guidelines:

    1) If a gem is no longer in game, than have to exists posibilty to be converted to some rune of same type or similar. If a rune of same type (or similar) doesnt exists, than have to exists posibilty to be selled for proper price, price estabished based on effort for that gem to be obtained.

    2) If a gem is still in game and fit the actual level of damage/crit/armor/etc that exist in game, there is no need to be converted.

    3) 2) If a gem is still in game but doesnt fit anymore the actual level of damage/crit/armor/etc that exist in game, should be removed from game, and rules from point 1 applied.

    meurerplay likes this.
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