Cores compensation?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by jackoneill1976, Oct 20, 2019.

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Compensation required?

  1. Yes,of course.

    7 vote(s)
  2. Don't with it

    5 vote(s)
  1. jackoneill1976

    jackoneill1976 Forum Veteran

    hello... my shield has become completely worthless with rls223....

    compensation draken cores and augment cores ??

    BP insolently stole my cores in this situation....

    (sry for my english)

  2. gfffffgggggfff

    gfffffgggggfff Forum Apprentice

    you are just one of many, but since Bigpoint is on a nerfstreak right now i don't think we'll get any refunds.
  3. wavi

    wavi Junior Expert

    I think the nerf is due to the pvp cheats (full attack and movement speed) that ended up disappearing the pvp
    -1: magicians
    -2 dwarves and warriors
    sorry for my English
  4. cogix

    cogix Regular

    DK is the only class that does not have "help" (turrets, wolves/tree, minion) and just needs to use the gear to fight, so yes, I think this is right to give compensation for people who crafted that shield