Suggestion Costume optimizations

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Red_Jaeger, Jan 6, 2016.

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  1. Red_Jaeger

    Red_Jaeger Junior Expert

    I know this is not a great priority, but I think that many would like to see their costumes optimized (especially those who paid for them).

    For example, the cloak should not be visible with many costumes. The most prominent example probably is the costumes of the "Damsel" and "Misstrocity"(?). Cloaks with those costumes look completely out of place. The floating shield on the back of the Helios Armor of Honor looks silly and should be fixed or just deleted, the armor looks very nice without it anyway.

    And I am sure many would like an option to hide the helmet. You can select hair and shape for your character but you virtually cannot ever see them inside the game unless if you purchase some very specific costumes (and my male character doesn't really look good in a dress).

    I am no programmer but I do not think that such things would be too hard to devise.
    Dragonnns likes this.
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