Announcement Count the candles! – Forum event.

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Dec 21, 2015.

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  1. radiantsapphire

    radiantsapphire Forum Apprentice

    82 Candles
  2. Croatia12

    Croatia12 Forum Greenhorn

    81 candles
    ID: 100653806
  3. mechtt=

    mechtt= Forum Greenhorn

    80 candles
    tegan server
  4. Kuldnetulevik

    Kuldnetulevik Forum Greenhorn

    99 Candles
    ID: 106215715
    Server: Grimmag
    IGN: Muusa
  5. yohono

    yohono Forum Greenhorn

    81 candles
    ID: 104253844
    main character: Yohono
    server: Agathon
  6. Theranger

    Theranger Someday Author

    99 candles
    ID: 100738667
    Server: Tegan
  7. ekant1992

    ekant1992 Padavan

    81 Candles
    In Game Name: Ekant
    Server: Tegan
  8. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    81 Candles
    ID: 1082018
    Server: Agathon
    IGN: Harra
  9. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    81 Candles
    ID : 103209704
    IGN: Manjarrow
    Server: Agathon
  10. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    There are 82 candles in the picture if the consumed ones don't count. If they do, the answer is 99.

    ID: 100422055
    Name: Morinphen
    Server: Heredur
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  11. silkyangel

    silkyangel Forum Apprentice

    83 candles
    Name: Blondi3
    Server: Tegan

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hollidays, and thank You for the extra goodies :)

  12. Flammmyz

    Flammmyz Forum Greenhorn

    99 candles
    ID: 109711142
    Name: Flammyx
    Server: Heredur
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  13. dutys2002

    dutys2002 Forum Apprentice

    82 candles
    Name: Hunter132
    SERVER: Grimmag
  14. VukChe

    VukChe Forum Apprentice

    82 candles
  15. amrnageb2100

    amrnageb2100 Forum Greenhorn

    83 Candles
    ID : 108911502
    Name : Mrdraven
    Server : Heredur
  16. Jarr71

    Jarr71 Forum Greenhorn

    97 Candels
    ID : 102414663
    Server : Heredur
  17. temoz

    temoz Forum Greenhorn

    100 Candels
    ID: 105948659
    Server : Heredur
  18. *K*R*E*K*K*

    *K*R*E*K*K* Forum Greenhorn

    81 Candles
    IGN: Krekk
    ID: 101238477
    Server: Tegan
  19. Dragneelsang3

    Dragneelsang3 Forum Greenhorn

    all that i can see there are 78 candles

    User ID: 101271149
    IGN : Anakpanah
    Server : Tegan
  20. sachirosano12

    sachirosano12 Forum Greenhorn

    81 candles
    ID: 109743388
    IGN: Balding
    Server: Heredur
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