Announcement Count the candles! – Forum event.

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Dec 21, 2015.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. patsboy05

    patsboy05 Forum Greenhorn

    82 candles server tegan

    ign Amadeusdavid
  2. Vanakurat

    Vanakurat Forum Greenhorn

    81 Candles
    ID: 1330830
    IGN: Vanakurat
    Server: Grimmag
  3. Erilune

    Erilune Forum Apprentice

    Candles seen: 77 o_O

    Name: Erilune
    Server: Tegan
    ID: 101471019
  4. DjPatryk123

    DjPatryk123 Forum Apprentice

    86 candles
    ID: 109683383
    Server: grimmag
  5. bakuku

    bakuku Forum Greenhorn

    81 candle
    ID: 100736281
    IGN: foreoffocus
    Serve: Grimmag
  6. Tatiana

    Tatiana Forum Greenhorn

    81 Candles
    Server: Tegan
    Character Name: Sharimaa
    ID: 101575795
  7. terrygod

    terrygod Forum Greenhorn

    80 candles
    Server: Tegan
    Character Name: Terrygod
    ID: 101562595
  8. Silaber

    Silaber Forum Apprentice

    81 candles
    Nick: Silaber
    ID: 107352286
    Server: Grimmag
  9. Firesupport

    Firesupport Forum Greenhorn

    Candles: 80
    ID: 107839391
    Name: Firesupport
    Server: Heredur
  10. rasomon

    rasomon Forum Greenhorn

    Candles: 80
    ID: 121665
    Name: Rasomon
    Server: Heredur
  11. Blodhor

    Blodhor Forum Greenhorn

    81 candles
    User ID: Blodhor
    Main character: Zërëf
    Server: Agathon
  12. -O1evar-

    -O1evar- Forum Apprentice

    80 Candles
    ID: 1050230
    Server: Agathon
  13. pokemagic

    pokemagic Forum Greenhorn

  14. Thebst4ever

    Thebst4ever Forum Greenhorn

    81 candles
    IGN: thebst4ever
    ID: 109801447
    server : grimmag
  15. alwaysmine

    alwaysmine Forum Greenhorn

    Candels: 81
    Username : alwaysmine
    Server: Heredur
    ID: 109802049
  16. ~Percilla~

    ~Percilla~ Forum Greenhorn

    [EDIT] Removed quote

    80 candles
  17. garonx

    garonx Forum Apprentice

    81 candles
    Username :Garonx
    User id: 472799
    Server :Tegan
  18. LIST OF WINNERS (English forum)!


    The correct answer was 98. Congratulations to all the winners! Well done. Your prizes have already been booked for your nominated character.

    Thank-you to everyone else for participating. We'll be having more forum competitions in the future, so good luck for next time!

    All candles - even extinguished ones - counted:


    Best regards,

    Your DSO Team
    _Baragain_ likes this.
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