Court of the dead

Discussion in 'Quests' started by ResilienzaItalia, Jun 20, 2022.

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  1. ResilienzaItalia

    ResilienzaItalia Forum Greenhorn

    Dark Legacy - release 256 19 64-bit 2022-06-19 10:58

    It says "Slay Mortis in his courtroom. But this parallel world haven't the m1 m2 etc that there are before ... so

    When i look at the destinations in map:

    I draw the circle imaging that the destination of the courtroom is there. I haven't.
    How to unlock the destination ?
    Till now, you haven't fixed this quest bug. I think is the time to do it.
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    No need to look, you can delete the quest. It's a leftover bit from before the content expansion that doesn't exist any more, so the quest is impossible to finish.
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi @DittaturaItalia M1 and M2 don't exist anymore.. but you can kill Morting going to Elysium finishing all quest and you will go into what you know like M2. Once there you'll find a mob, i don't won't to spoil anything and then Mortis. to go where Mortis is you'll need some special coins and the only way to get them is through the event of Sargon... all coins are a reward of that event... you'll get the first one at about 1300 of progres more o less... so you'll need only one to go into where Mortis is to kill it, but as @silverseas said to you you can compleat this quest cos Ammon is not for the work...

    Enjoy DSO