Cover your back

Discussion in 'Quests' started by torres9, Jan 2, 2020.

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  1. torres9

    torres9 Forum Greenhorn

    hello guys I don't know a lot about forum is my first time writing here.I just finished the mission "covered your back 3/6" so I found 1000 yarn and before I get the recipe Ayona (the person that gives u the green missions) told me to craft 5 same banners (1=200 yarn) but I can craft only 1 and I cant more I have the gems and the yarn but it doesn't let me ,can someone help me? (sorry for my bad English ,is not my first language)
  2. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Advanced

    I did this quest very recently,so i know for sure that it is working properly.Since i dont see any other info,i can suggest only one solution.
    Send a ticket to support team and wait for a reply.
  3. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    What is your character level and are you only using _Flawed_ gems?
    Or are you trying with higher level gems? (which you shouldn't at this point.)
  4. Ahabyol

    Ahabyol Forum Greenhorn

  5. Ariandrake

    Ariandrake Forum Apprentice

    Hello @torres9, my English is not perfect, but I will try to help you as much as possible: the mission you are referring to is to make 5 layers with a thousand threads for that, what you should do is open the workbench, place the threads and create a layer of the ones you have available (unlocked). If I remember correctly, it asks you to do the force layer x5 (it may be the other), so first try as I said and if it doesn't work, check the recipes by selecting the layer you ask for, I think it was. :
    1- you open the workbench
    2- you look for layers in the manufacture of equipment
    3- select the layer recipe you need
    4- you put the ingredients (thread) in the corresponding box and make the layer
    You must make sure you have the correct manufacturing ingredients or they will not allow you to do it and you should also know that the layer must be manufactured one by one (it is not about combining gems) does not have a button to increase the amount you want to manufacture as in the case of gems
    I hope I helped you, regards
  6. mimopro

    mimopro Forum Greenhorn

    Guys, I've lost the quest "Cover your back" what can I do??? SOS
  7. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Go take it again?

    From the last person you got it from.
  8. mimopro

    mimopro Forum Greenhorn

    yeah but i cant find it... that's my problem. that's why i said I LOST
  9. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Which steps in the questline have completed? There are 6 sub-quests. They are level-dependent (so your toon has to reach a certain experience level before some of the quests will show up).

    The first 3 sub-quests are given by Alyona in the Resistance Command Center. For Sub-quest 4, find Roxana in the Resistance Command Center. Kolyax in the city of Hiraja gives you the final 2 sub-quests.