Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Chantix, Jan 29, 2020.

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  1. Chantix

    Chantix Forum Greenhorn


    I accidentaly accepted a craft! While i was trying to craft 2 weapons with x2 platinum i accidentally accepted a rubish weapon! I lost 2 weapons with x2 platinum 90% on each item! Can i get it back by sending ticket to support?
  2. wojtekwjk

    wojtekwjk Regular

    Really doubt that.Like you said,you ACCEPTED a craft so they will probably refuse to get it back,and what's more i think it's even impossible, just like recovering melted item.
  3. fuertesruel123

    fuertesruel123 Forum Greenhorn

    i don't know how to get back the scroll in quest of the cover your back i accidentally sell it and i cant craft my herald dragon skin ! can i get it back by sending ticket to support
  4. Chantix

    Chantix Forum Greenhorn

    But it's a huge loss.. I've lost many items in the past from nebula error or disconnect while i was crafting but this.. come on i need this rollback emediately....
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Me thinks you are just going to have to continue farming and wait for more to drop... just like the rest of us. :(