Crafting Advice Needed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cdeepal, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    I now have Crafted 7 items into 3x Legendaries, and trying to craft the other 5 as well.

    However, I have some Ingredients for a 3.5x or 4x Crafts that I can start the process.

    The biggest question I have is what makes most sense?

    1. If I already have a 3x Helmet for example, is it worth to pursue crafting a 3.5x Helmet for my next improvement as it would cost less and I would probably be able to craft it quicker than crafting a full 4x Helmet.

    2. Or, should I straightaway go for a 4x Helmet? And in this case, should I be looking for any 4x Helmet (even with lines of crit increase having 12.xx range) or should I only be looking for 13.5+? Obviously the latter would take much more time to craft. But, it would be the ultimate goal.

    Your guidance is much appreciated.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is up to you.
    If I were to craft an item I would craft it properly or not crafting it at all ... because if I had this "imperfect item" goal I wouldn't craft at all and I would be using items with good default enchantments. In example Armor of Darkness has a killer default stats that can save you tons of gold and other resources.
    Best option is to make crappy 3/4 legs and craft them into your unique items until you craft a good one. I am doing it all the time ... crafting i.e. quiver with 3x 29-30% increased crit hit rate on this item and one "whatever line" ... and using it until i craft perfect 4/4 leg.
    Demon likes this.
  3. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Yes, I may not have been clear, but after I crafted my 3x Legendaries, I am transferring them to Uniques. I have already Transferred 3 items into Uniques. I don't have the necessary cores to Transfer the other 4 items that I have crafted, but I do have the Uniques. So, it is a matter of finding the cores to transfer them.

    I have not decided on my next step. Should I be crafting 3.5x and transfer them to the Uniques where I already have 3x items? I will definitely gain some power even though it would just be temporary.

    Should I be waiting to craft 4x but with any golden lines?

    Or should I be waiting to craft 4x perfect Legnedaries?

    This is where an experienced player can definitely help me.
    As You gain more power, would it make more sense to do 3.5x, 4x or wait for perfect 4x?

    Oh, btw, Armor of Darkness seems too expensive to me. I don't have that many Drakens and even if I did have enough to buy T0, it would take me a lot more to upgrade it to a reasonable tier and that would cost a lot.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  4. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I have crafted as trakilaki said but i have craft something like :
    helmet dropped from map - 13 12 10 crit + 8.8 dmg
    torso - 24% armor/item 9.6, 9.3, 8.6 damage also dropped this way

    I usually keep my 3x legendary with good values for craft and use legendary items that has nice stats but can be used only in slot 3 or 4 if you use them to craft.
    Anyway craft first with 3x to speed up farm and take your time to make that 4x gold items with big values.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I am not saying you should buy it and use it ... just pointing out that they have good default enchantments. so and other unique items have good default enchantments too.

    What is 3.5x? 3 golden + one random?
  6. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I thought 3.5 meant 3 golden ideal lines and a good/useful random line that is above the 50% or 60% mark on the way the golden range, not just any random line.

    For example, I crafted a 3x golden line increased crit on this item adornment (28.5 to 29.7 for each of the golden lines, at the time I was desperate and any gold line over 28 would do) for my DK. If the 4th line was a crit line above say 15% or 18% or a crit damage line above 9.5% or 10% I would consider that to be a 3.5 for my DK.

    As it turns out I actually go over 25% for the random line (over 112% incteased crit on this item), so extremely useful.

    Now, I am crafting adornments for my mech, targeting increased speed. I got 3x faster attack bullets. And the the random line was 9.7 or something like that in crit damage. However, this is not, in my mind, a 3.5 because I don't do crit on my mech (0 crit) at this time.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yea you are right Novadude ... the 4th line doesn't have to be golden. it would be very useful even if it is not golden ... and you can always craft better item later on.

    However ... i wouldn't do this kind of crafting. Making a 3/1 leg from exo items is working well too.
    Craft 3/1 leg (4x if lucky) out of your items with lower enchantments and keep the best lines for 4x gold items.
    That is what I always do.
  8. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I thought he was making a bunch of 3/1 leg from exo items and using the one that has the 3.5x characteristic. At this point I guess I am not sure what he means by his 3.5 crafting process. If he is making/selecting 3.5's for pristine crafting by crafting from 4 extraordinaries that is what I would consider doing; if he is making 3.5's by using 4 legendaries that is a waste of crafting resources and especially gold.
  9. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Looks like I have made my post with a bunch of assumptions thinking that everyone will understand what I am doing. It seems even though it is obvious to me, it is not to the others.

    3.5x means to me as Novadude explained, 3x golden enchantment lines and another random line with the same enchantment with more than 50% of the maximum value.

    For example, a Helmet with 3 lines of 13.x Increased critical hit rate and one more line with over 7% Increased critical hit rate is considered a 3.5x

    Now the way I craft a 3.5x would be to use 2 Extraordinary items with 2x Golden enchantment lines in the first 2 slots, and 2 Extraordinary items with 1x Golden enchantments in the 3rd and 4th slots. Craft it this way until I get 3x Golden Enchantment lines and 1 Random line above 50% in the resulting Legendary Item.

    If I don't get 3x Golden Enchantment and a Random line above 50% max, then it would be reverted. Even if it had resulted 3x Golden Enchantments with some other line. Because this would be considered only a 3x and is not the desired result.

    I thought about this for a while now, and this is my current goal:

    Craft 3x Legendary items first for all items that I need.
    After creating 3x items, I will start creating 3.5x items.
    If I got the 3.5x item before I get the cores to transfer 3x item, then all the better, I will simply transfer the 3.5x item.
    If I got the 3.5x item after I transferred the 3x item, still fine, but more cost to me to find more cores to do the transfer of that item.

    I would not however, craft a crappy 4x item. Because I did some calculations and the cost for crafting a 4x is staggering compared to the crafting of a 3x or even a 3.5x
    I cannot simply afford this more than once for any given item.
    So, it is going to be perfect 4x only.
    Once I have 3.5x for any given item, for that item type, I will only save Ingredient items with perfect lines (9.95+ damage, 18.2+ crit, 13.6+ crit, 76+ IDOTI etc.) in order to craft 4x at a later time.
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is a monkey business ... not worth the resources.
    i would never do that.
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