Suggestion Crafting Maze Blaze set (Flame Conq)

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by TheSword26, Oct 24, 2023.

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  1. TheSword26

    TheSword26 Forum Apprentice

    like many of you know, the Maze Blaze has several bugs, most important is the different mode swifted when enter in the Lava Path/Azar Lair.
    For who is looking for Flame Conqueror Set/Items at Lv 140 (blood), this can become impossibile or very very difficult, because 95% of runs in Blood ending in a Normal Azar's Pit.
    I think that this Set can be used by many players, even 1 or 2 pieces, but they need to be easier to get; that's why I want to suggest to add the Crafting of those pieces, maybe using those Leaves (useless at the moment) or adding them with a piece of the Set (any level) to make the same piece at lv 140 or 145.
    In this way, the map doesn't need to be fixed, because a level 100 piece of the Flame Conqueror set can be used to make the same at level 140/145 with the recipe. (something like the new Immortal Land's Set)
    Thank you