Suggestion Crafting Update

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by lewcar, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    As it stands:
    -Crafting requires a gross amount of time farming gold (to the detriment of GoP accumulation).
    -This coerces players into buying Premium for cubes (to sell, which destroys the supposed fun of getting them as drops in the first place),
    -Or forces the purchase of andermant, to spend at the crafting table or gambling at Jesters in the pursuit of large amounts of gold.
    - As far as I'm aware at least 90% of my server and the expressers on this forum are disappointed with the current crafting system.

    My idea is to impose a cost (similar to now), however only for items which we have already identified and would like to keep and use.

    Essentially all crafting and identification is free, from magic to legendary items.
    However once we see the properties of the item (stats and gem slots etc), we can then choose to 'unlock' them in-order to make them usable on our characters (some explanation of this process can perhaps be created so it's appreciated by the premise of the game-world).

    Increase the 'unlocking' costs of ander/gold if need be to keep the game currencies regulated, however I guarantee you, there will be NO disappointed players.

    All parties will then beneift, F2P, P2P, P2W, and of course BigPoint.
    Players will still purchase premium, play the jesters, purchase gear to craft from the item vendors, and ultimately purchase andermant.
    Whilst people can still farm, knowing that they will not suffer a degression to their character after hours of effort (i.e. spending gold or ander long-farmed, for rubbish items).

    It simply allows all players to progress their characters, gaining gold, glyphs and eventually better items (still at a cost) as they move up in the game.
  2. Duriastriker

    Duriastriker Forum Inhabitant

    So in other words, when crafted, we are able to see the stats after being crafted. but we must pay the usual price to actually equip the item
  3. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    In essence, but I thought some elaboration would give the suggestion more weight.
  4. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Hi @lewcar :)
    I moved your thread to Creative corner since it seems to fit better here.

    lewcar likes this.
  5. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador


    Thank-you for your suggestion. Beats complaining about it. I really like your suggestion. I read a lot of what they say about crafting and I think the game is moving away from that. Time will tell. Have a great one.
  6. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    It seems like this would work well for players. That means they probably won't do it ;)
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    In not too fond of the idea of knowing the stats before spending the gold, it defeats the purpose of crafting/identifying having consequences. I would prefer the old crafting system returned where you can craft free, but use gold to identify. But this defeats the purpose of them introducing free identify. So, without trying to make this too complicated, I think dropped items should be free to identify, but crafted ones cost gold to ID, but it should be free to craft.
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