Crafting with 4 plat lines

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CStaf, Aug 1, 2020.

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  1. CStaf

    CStaf Forum Apprentice

    As said in the title im thinking of crafting a weapon with 4 plat lines but i really know little about that concept. I already have a leg with 2 plats and a leg with 1. Can someone help me understand how to craft items with 4 plats and guide me through? Thanks.
  2. Dzungla

    Dzungla Forum Expert

    It is a painful process. I must note that!

    To be sure that you're closer to success you need to do this:

    Collect pink items with one or if you're lucky two plat lines (there are those but really rare).

    Then, you need to join two plat lines from pink into a leg item. Then repeat the process again ... When you have 2 x leg with 2 plat lines - you need to join 3 from those 4 lines = first two slots legs with plat lines, 3rd and 4th - junk and if you fail - retrieve and so on (that count for pink items also)

    Usually, most of players need 2 x leg with 3 plat lines so they hope to get 4 plat lines leg item from matching them, but it can happen with huge amount of luck with 2 x 2 one also, same as 1 x 2 & 1 x 3.

    Anyhow good luck, but my advice is to wait till CE (content expansion).
  3. CStaf

    CStaf Forum Apprentice

    When you say junk items u mean they should have 1 or 2 gold lines or nothing and yeah i will wait for expansion
  4. Dzungla

    Dzungla Forum Expert

    Lower tear possible (higher tier - higher crafting price) and no need for any enchant line in junk items.

    Smart decision btw
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    There is one thing every one is leaving out.

    When you get to 4 legendaries you have 16 lines in the mix. The more lines of desirable you have the better your chances are of getting what you want out.

    That said, putting in 4 legs each with 3 desireble lines (total of 12) gives you a pretty good chance of getting 4 (still not a great chance).

    That said, I do know a DK that did the 3/3/3/3 and got all 4 UNDESIREABLE lines. The chance of that is the same as putting 1-1-1-1 desireble on 4 legs and getting all 4 desireables, but he managed the reverse impossible.
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