
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by deathacceptor, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    hey guys , i just wanted to ask you guys that how come most of the people get so much damage from their bows or arrows i mean my friend has this arrow which gives him 107 damage and he wont tell me how did he get it so is it like something you do in crafting or something?
    Thanks :)
  2. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Finding a good gear is a matter of luck. You should also be prepared to upgrade as well as add damage gems.
  3. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I have an amulet that has enchantment +23 Damage. Which is the highest I've ever gotten, though the real max is probably 25-30. With luck, one can get 4 of these high damage enchantments. 23x4= 92. With some upgrading this can equal or exceed 107 damage. I don't know of any crafting technique that is guaranteed to yield such results, and I doubt there is one.
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