Daily Mission

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Wizard7, May 17, 2014.

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  1. Wizard7

    Wizard7 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi all. We all need Crystals of truth right? So can we got Daily mission which reward is some crystals of truth? for example daily mission is do 4 quest and reward is 40 Cot:s. Then if you are higher level player you can got more cot:s for reward. I and my frends like this idea and we hope someday we can got cot:s for reward doingn daily quest.


    sorry this thread should bee a creative corner, can someone mod or admin switch it there? ( i dont know can i do it myself)
    Last edited by moderator: May 17, 2014
    Amiaria likes this.
  2. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Hi @Wizard7 , I moved your thread to Creative Corner since it belongs here.
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