Suggestion Damage practice dummies! Damage meter! New Level 50 extension features

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jahmed1, Apr 5, 2015.

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  1. jahmed1

    jahmed1 Forum Apprentice

    I think it would be a good idea to have dummies that players can practise their damage on because as you get a higher level you get more items that you are unsure of what to choice. So maybe having dummies to practise your damage on would be cool. They have unlimited health and rank from level 10 to level 20 to level 30 to 40 to 45 and lastly 50. They can be in city of which level they are, so Kingshill next to the arena will have level 10 training area and for the new city that will come in the next extension will have the level 50 practise. While your practising nobody can interfere with your dummy or do damage. Everyone attacks the same dummy but you see your own damage.

    Another idea would be cool to have a damage meter to see who has done the most damage. In order to see your damage you must enable to so others can see yours. This was low damaging players wont need to be scared of getting kicked :D.

    Feel free to leave your opinion and and better idea of this suggestion.
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