Feedback Dark Dwarf Heist 2.0

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Sep 23, 2015.

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  1. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    My dwarf has gotten 544 drops in two runs, my DK got 400+ in one run (2 50× turret drops and a 250× boss drop). I might try to complete this today on my dwarf but probably won't with my DK as soloing the boss is no longer effective without quality end game gear. However, solo killing the boss with a level 47 dwarf is really easy with tesla coil and blue or purple essence, even with level 45~46 gear.
  2. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I liked the event! :D I think the old event was too much grinding but with the recent changes (improved drops and random monster enchantments) it made a lot more interested to play. Good work team! I can't wait play the new halloween event (I hope it will include the random monster enchantments too)....It would be nice to have one more or a few more achievement type of defeating the monsters: Gnome and Troll heroes! Just to add extra fun and diversity. Keep up the good work!
  3. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    Well.. this was one event that pushed me to the max of *frustration & annoyance*
    1). Maps are so dark you can not see a thing.. Q. what was the reason behind that..?
    2). Unique & legend drops. . all stats .. seem to be very low in comparison to previous. e.g. Kings Celerity Glove*.. although on the positive.. great for those who do not have one.
    3). Poison Immunty.. do not drop in the event.... PLUS... are ineffective anyway.. it does not work..and that's by using the strongest potion.
    4).Re: *Insignia of Lacomas & Sclad* why are they dropping in 2nd Challenge?.. There is no quest for these now.
    In fact there are more of these drops than the Viscanium Drops. Was this an oversight.

    Over all... Good to see the added quest for the Chalice... definitely more unique and Legend drops..but for lvl 50.. ummmm.. glyph glyph, glyph.