Dark Legacy Dwarf. Help.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Oreneta, Dec 21, 2020.

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  1. Oreneta

    Oreneta Forum Greenhorn

    Hello everyone. I have been without entering the game, practically 3/4 years and I am very lost.
    What skills should I prioritize with my dwarf?
    Where should I invest my wisdom points?
    What items or sets should I look for when I hit level 100?
    Sorry for my English and thanks.
  2. Deathtocome

    Deathtocome Forum Greenhorn

    Haven't reach 100 yet so for that part idk.
    As for skills buff i use engineer 2/2, explosive ammunition for machinegun turret, burning shrapnel for shrapnel shot.
    Got flametrowher on 10, mechanical turret on 10; i dont use it, just for machinegun synergy bonus, tesla 10, machinegun 10, n few points in that first boost that increases quickshot n flametrower dmg.
    My hotbar: quickshot, flametrower, jetpack jump, machinegun turret, shrapnel shot. I play without a skill on leftclick, rightclick id tesla n swap for C14.
    My wisdom is insane low so just managed to max out 2h dmg n put few points in armor.
    Others will prolly have better advice, but this is a start ;)
  3. Oreneta

    Oreneta Forum Greenhorn

    I think we are doing more or less the same.
    Thanks for answering me. Good luck with your dwarf!
    Deathtocome likes this.
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