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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. tiki

    tiki Forum Apprentice

    It seems like the developers hate spellweavers.
    Why isn't the Singularity piercing armor on bosses? All classes have the ability to lower the boss's defense. But not a magician, he is useless in this regard.
    Will the "BloodMage" passive talent be reworked? It is impossible to use it. This talent is just a mockery. Please, Jesse, Hansen, show us on stream how to use this skill)) Maybe I'll laugh at your attempts to use this, and it will become easier for me. Because playing a wizard right now is a disappointment.
    Now, with the past fix, you've made the Mind Control skill less useful. I cannot control mobs near mini-bosses.
    Please, stop drowning the spellweavers profession!
    tozagol, Alpaca, ргцт and 3 others like this.
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Well for that matter, even the guardian no longer has any ability to attract enemies, it acts as a simple shield that you can place between you and the enemy that hits you the hardest (hoping it is a static monster). And since the latest hotfix, even mind control no longer seems powerful enough to distract blue and up minibosses (while it can normally control normal monsters and green minibosses, don't know why it does't work for you).

    I really think producers are having great laughs, enjoying the thought of the efforts of those who still persist in this garbage. This is the first time I see such arrogant and careless behaviour towards the customers. Too bad, the CE has introduced good news, and has a potential to develop, but they are made pale and ridiculed by the absurd difficulty of the game, the painfulness of the drop, the many bugs left here and there at purpose, as I said above. Considering the competitors that are around, and the ones that will soon come out to market, either DSO producers quickly change the way they act, or they simply deserve to be swept away without restraint.

    [quote removed]

    As for me, I have just completed the purchase of the most interesting isometric ARPG of the moment on Kenguin, which is also on sale...
    I will leave this game in the freezer for a while, waiting to decide what to do next.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2020
    tozagol, ViktorG75, Alpaca and 3 others like this.
  3. Dampfxaoc

    Dampfxaoc Advanced

    Don't exaggerate. The usage or armor braking skills on bosses in solo game is 0. Tank can use it and directly die - it brings nothing. Dwarfs mine is not posible to use on bosses as they don't activate it + you must come close to boss, same like tank - directly death. Archers to put the trap must come close to boss - it means immediate death. And mages sudddenly have to get privilege in combination of the highest dmg, guard as a tank and posdibility to put songularity from safe distance..... not bad? DSO is not solo game any more after CE took place. So play in party and you'll not get the described problem.
    Alpaca likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is not only average level.
    The averaged level of monsters is calculated by the following formula

    Normal scalable dungeons and Events:
    (sum of all player levels + (difficulty factor x number of players)) / number of players
    Parallel World:
    ((sum of all player levels + (difficulty factor x number of players)) / number of players) + 5
    difficulty factor is +5 for each additional difficulty starting from Normal to Infernal, +10 on Merciless and Bloodshed (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40)
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
    Alpaca likes this.
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Not quite correct.
    The level additions for Normal Maps and Event maps are +0, +5, +10, +15, +20, +30, +40.
    The level additions for Parallel World maps are +25, +35, +45.

    Everyone else:
    Do you see what it means? Highest Dragan gear will be level 140. Highest New Moon gear will be 140. Highest Full Moon gear is 140.
    Alpaca and trakilaki like this.
  6. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Your formulas are not wrong (factors of the highest modes you obviously don't play just like most of us are), but why do it when it can be summed with one simplier formula:
    (sum of all player levels / number of players) + difficulty factor
    which is equal to
    average player level + difficulty factor
    and difficulty factor is
    and +5 for PW. :)

    Note: I assume it's truly average level as all of you are saying, I almost haven't played in group since CE. If it's true... it's making the making of OP twinks harder than in case of scaling against highest lvl player in group... but it will still be possible. With the ludicrous kind of progression at cap lvl we got... which is based solely on gem upgrades and wisdom... I am expecting a surge of twinks in the game... if they make it through this wreck of what the CE should have been of course.
    Alpaca and trakilaki like this.
  7. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    It's not even the wreck of the CE, it's just half of the wreck of the CE( remember that somehow the new boss cloaks, along with herald and m'edusa cloaks, monthly and weekly quests, are not here any yet) and that the expansions bosses are locked behind an event and so they're going to be probably temporary and also, they stole q6 from us.

    And remember that there are still bugged quests that don't work( like the ones from jon sunlair, the demon thieves quest) and the fact that infernal fragments are no where to be found, you can't buy them and you can't farm them, which means that once you run out of fragments you literally can't progress in the game and a new player will be permanently stuck at a low power level.

    Who did think this was actually good and gave the permission to implement this mess?
    Maybe the developers shouldn't listen to their sycophants on discord, it is not a good way to get a good level design.
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    So far all my calculations were correct ... however I must admit I have tested very few samples on higher difficulties. I will have to test them again. Until I test it again I accept your correction :p
    You are both right and wrong :p
    You are right it can be expressed in a short form ... but the longer form "tells a story" so to speak. You understand the short form very well ... but the long form is showing up how we get to that point , because not everyone will understand the short form.
    The long form is making things much easier for all.
    Incorrect :D
    Twinking is easier than ever before ... if you know the right method of blocking XP.
    Also ... this new system is prone to exploiting as well.
  9. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    I've been on Merciless and Bloodshed in the Winter Summit SOLO and it was +30 and +40 level respectively. :)
    Alpaca likes this.
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    But of course ... you are playing SW you can play on bloodshed , i am playing ranger and i can hardly solo painful :)
    You don't have to enter at all the levels are displayed on the entrance :D
    You are correct the merciless is 30 and bloodshed 40 ... I was testing the formula with level 45 and 50 toons thus the 5 levels "shortage" at the time I was posting. I have corrected both factors, but the formula is correct.
    BTW playing on Merciless is just a waste of time.

    I have found 3 longbows with conc reduction so far ;)
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
  11. Mistralrex

    Mistralrex Forum Apprentice

    war skill reflect damage is the most stupid thing seen in all my life playing games, if anyone atack wars in pvp was killed on the site.. great!!
    tozagol likes this.
  12. Mistralrex

    Mistralrex Forum Apprentice

    If got killed 1 time in map.. -15% mana and -72% heal while 25 mins , the second best idea for this game lol. if got killed by lag or before got game screen for monsters in the door , be sure u cannt play in midle hour lolll really nice idea.
    tozagol likes this.
  13. Mistralrex

    Mistralrex Forum Apprentice

    another advantage if clean map and u need take a break , centinel is gone when you are back in game.. really nice we love this game XDDD
  14. ShyvanaCagar

    ShyvanaCagar Forum Apprentice

    the jewel of fury. (joya del furor)
    does not give critical impact value

    the same happens with the jewel of the winner ( joya del triunfador)
    tozagol likes this.
  15. Darkness90

    Darkness90 Junior Expert

    0% Playability. I login and five minuts later i don't know what to do... game isn't now funny
  16. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    0% playability 4 full group nebulas running Grimm Agathon Server.
    So not only have you nerfed the EDIT out of the drops, whatever drops is gone by the time people get back from the nebulas. Oh, and the monsters health resets as each person reappears.
    So you ripped every single player off , especially those that have been around 5 years+
    Destroyed every single set in the game.
    Get a Unique Chest drop level 122 worse than an Extro 12 levels lower. How the EDIT did your team manage that ?
    You put into live servers a bugged half done expansion that 90% of people absolutely HATE !!!!!!!!
    Done 3 or 4 Hotfixes and the bugs are still there and the game is still EDIT!
    Why didn't you postpone this and do it properly before bringing it to live servers ?
    Maybe instead of listening to the EDIT on your Discord server you listen to your player base here.
    You are taking a fun game and destroying it every time you touch it .
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 20, 2020
  17. Steve75

    Steve75 Junior Expert

    This is by far the crappiest update to DSO ever which truly shows how unprofessional the people behind the game. The game can have a new name from now on BUGENSANG.

    People who worked on this non-sense and released to live servers: 0/10
    PVE = 1-2/10 (others already wrote down issues/bugs so no need to repeat the same. Personally I like the new crafting and that all items can have any base stats on them)
    PVP = 0/10, I noticed that there are players who earn millions of points on a daily basis (Grimmag) so I thought I would give a try. Basically you can see almost the same players/clans who already dominated pvp before CE while now DK class become the ultimate pvp class due to their skill which appears all over the map and kill other team members instantly. Basically you can not build a base/heal/chose next daily without getting it and die.
    Nevertheless when you get into PVP you fight almost always against the same players however sometimes it can take up to 1/2h-1h to get into pvp so it's weird that they are always in while others have to wait a lot.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
    tozagol, Alpaca, bibere and 3 others like this.
  18. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    This expansion is a trainwreck, not as bad as i thought it would be, but it's pretty bad.

    How the hell thought that putting monsters near the spawn points of the players was a good idea?
    Considering the horrible load times of the players it's a disaster in the making.

    Drop rates are terrible, despite the exponential increase in difficulty.
    Daily quests are uncompletable and completely worthless, since they never offer wisdom( which now takes ages to farm) or essences.
    Bosses take ages to kill even if you have somewhat high gems.
  19. Whatever

    Whatever Forum Greenhorn

    Game rating: android mobile game (junk-), game status: painful agony, player status: insanity (70% frustrated, 20% depressed, 10% manic addiction), prognosis: self-destruction, server meltdown, game shutdown
  20. kuwabaraz

    kuwabaraz Forum Duke

    After the last hofix the mobs have gone to another level now and it's really hard to help the little ones level up and find better items.

    Maybe you have in mind not to overdo the users and make these changes last as long as possible but in this way it results in a cost of abandoning users and I think this is not the case during the holidays in my opinion it is already at a loss!

    By now I have finished trying the skills for what I was interested in, there are good ideas and other bad ones in my opinion and a modest disappointment nothing that makes you smile and I add it to the disappointments of the whole year.

    I remain of the idea that either you decide to make group formation or competition work, it will bring you the entire user portfolio effortlessly.

    If I have to choose between a bad game that mimics solo games, I will buy the originals that are at a level this game can never have!

    Have you ever thought that the chat region no longer works for making groups for two reasons:

    1) You don't know the users and you don't know if they can make the map, the combat value is an idea if visible to solve this problem be you have removed many greetings!

    2) Who first organized the group and was bothered and tired of doing it too much time wasted and little desire to interrogate each user who is invited or proposed.

    There are also other problems such as users checking groups and sending requests but who wants to accept them if you don't even know who wants to join the team should normally be visible the class and something that makes you understand if they are able to play in the map layer where you are.

    Are you too expensive and push the game to be paid?

    On Steam today I took a spin and with € 13, I bought two games with discounts between 90% and 60%, I don't mention the names but they are still of a value and much more gratified than what you offer!

    Now why should I be bothered by this game where events are terrible, boring and almost impossible to do, you can barely get your set back in place and you already have an increase in mobs and bosses taking away all your time and resources you spend?

    Obviously you have no reason and in fact I go to pause and enjoy other games!:D
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