Feedback Dark Legacy is here!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Well I have pretty much said it all in previous posts. This whole thing is terrible not one good thing about it. But the worst part of this whole thing is the 30 min penalties, terrible idea. Players spend thousands of dollar to max their toon. Then B*gpoint nerfs them by up to 75% for 30 min in Merc and Blood. I don't know which is worse that B*Gpoint thinks players will spend thousands of dollars just to have it nerfered by 75% for 30 min. Or that players would actually waste really money just to have their toon nerfed by 75% for 30 min.

    B*gpoint trying to make money by providing a game. Then turn around and penalize players for spending money.

    This entire new game is terrible.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  2. mestamer67

    mestamer67 Padavan

    I would like to give this game a last chance: if patch 246 is not the one that will fix the very scarce drop, the buggy gems like that of the fury that does not work the impact, like the upgraded essences that do not do damage,
    like the infernal fragments that don't drop, like the various skills of each class that don't work, like the group experience doesn't work in the various skills, like the various bad and really unusable sets, and others that I'm not here to list them all,
    this game can be considered finished and one who has been playing since May 2011 tells you so.
    The most wrong part that 2 reckless people could do, and I don't go too hard just for fairness, is that during a European or world lockdawoun, they could make people happy and entertained.
    tozagol, Elégedetlenkedő and Alpaca like this.
  3. Vedmak1974

    Vedmak1974 Forum Apprentice

    Return the solo mode to the game! Not everyone likes to play in a group and there is not always time to collect a normal party! Make a normal Wisdom drop! Make a unique drop at a normal level of the game !!! Can't you see that you are killing the game? All games have learned to earn , without affecting the gameplay and only the bigpoint is trying to rip off money from its community for garbage in the progress of the action) You have very little time to save the game!
  4. menestrelul

    menestrelul Someday Author

  5. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    I could not agree more @Vedmak1974 This has killed solo play...


    @KARL31 yes this 30 min penalty nonsense is an absolute joke. No idea what B*gpoint is thinking with this 30 min penalty nonsense. Who is going to spend money to max their toon just to have it nerfed by up to 75% for 30 min. Where is the incentive in all this, where you get penalized for spending money and just playing a game.


    @Mistralrex Yes this 30 min penalty is total nonsense I didn't even die and I got penalized... just entered the map encountered the first mob and was minus 76% HP... this entire redo to make a new game is terrible.


    yes @Irish This 30 min penalty is a total joke. Who has the play time to be nerfed for 30 min all the time. Who is going to spend money to max their toon just to have it nerfed by 75%. This entire new game of B*gpoints is just terrible.


    Yes @Nalucitura this explains the entire CE in a nut shell.


    @rcch Yes solo play is dead. Worse then dead. This whole CE is terrible.


    @Vedmak1974 Not to start an argument but they started destroying this game with R155 when they started messing with the skill trees. Then just kept trying to put a bandage on it till we got to this point. Total disaster now.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2020
  6. Arteza

    Arteza Forum Apprentice

    Succinctly: this drakensang is now completely boring and pointless. Sometimes it's annoying. The players' complaint is real. I just decided that I'm going to wait another month, and if the game doesn't get any better, I'm going to leave it here forever because B.p. doesn't know and doesn't care what normal players like. And without normal players, the maniacs won't stay long. This dark legacy was a very bold and abstract move... and very bad.
  7. Strit555

    Strit555 Forum Apprentice

    Well guys ... i can say

    Welcome back old 40 lvl game play ... As old players remember when someone finish the lvl up at 40 lvl and starts amwn Q"s it was all undefetable .. you make team of 5 to go Q1 and all party die hard

    thats for the historic ....

    The problem in this patch is the poor loot at dungeons .. , really i dont care the blood stage the difference blood and mercinless as items is not so big but guys you must realize the gems ... Even you pass hard days at blood to take uniques then gems ???

    THE DUST .. friends did you realize even you farm 20k dust pers day( i cant farm even 5k per day) you will make complete charachter at 2 years from now

    pvp .. is totaly destroyed.. I dont know if they can do something for this ...

    for 1 hour maybe the day is good , no sense for something more .. the chalenge in this game is very low as the pvp is gone
    tozagol likes this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Ah, what a useful reward ... you didn't even bother checking the rewards and filter them out.

  9. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    First gift "not bad" too...5 sugar beets.:D:D:D
    Developers don' t care about players , neither about company's reputation.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
    tozagol, Elégedetlenkedő and nika like this.
  10. erdemircier

    erdemircier Forum Greenhorn

    I can say the worst update this game has ever seen. For the second time, the archer has been completely exhausted.
    Previously, the archer was finished in the 50lvl update. it didn't do anything.

    Nobody even included in the group. Then char survived thanks to the a7 set and exploding arrow.

    at that time I quit the game. And now they say history is about repetition.

    we are experiencing the same thing again. The archer's skills are rubbish.

    The archer tries to cut the group that other classes cut in 10 seconds for 5-10 minutes.

    And again, nobody gets into the group. I'm completely out of the game. Believe me, it doesn't feel like opening it.

    When I enter the game, I do not have anything to do at times, and I get bored more when I should have fun for some reason.

    It does not gush fire from the sky like other classes. pit pit pit throwing an arrow. it's really funny.

    See now that many players, including me, will quit the archer game in this sad situation.

    Please stop finishing the game and make it playable.
    tozagol and surtur like this.
  11. surtur

    surtur Forum Greenhorn

    I give you every reason, the ranger, with this update, has died, it is useless.
    - The most benefited as always the magician, with the fireball, without mana costs and piercing enemies, crazy.
    -The ranger is the one that does the least damage of all classes and on top of his abilities, the vast majority of his abilities are useless.
    Like many people I will hope that if they change this with update 246, if not I will leave the game, I do not have fun like that and they have left me unable to do anything.
    tozagol likes this.
  12. Асото

    Асото Someday Author

    stop crying for god sakes, at this point archers deal the most damage at the boss
    (when his armor is broken) the good archers do 15 million damage per hit
    TwiliShadow likes this.
  13. linco1

    linco1 Forum Apprentice

    This is due to the accumulation of poison debuff (ranger + wolves), remove this and the damage is mediocre, now they are slaves (goodbye set q7) to the jewel of contribution.
    I am waiting for the next update to be able to talk a little more, since there is a lot of buggy.
    tozagol likes this.
  14. remios223

    remios223 Forum Greenhorn

    Increase diameter of ranger's Hunting Trap by 10% so we can use it properly on bosses...
    tozagol likes this.
  15. Ashe47

    Ashe47 Forum Greenhorn

    you destroyed all the characters and u made mages more powerful they have the ablity to play alone and others just sit and wait nice dark legacy bravo DSO
    tozagol and Elégedetlenkedő like this.
  16. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    LOL , we have dks that farm bloodshed solo with white essence and rangers shooting over 15M shots.
    Then we have mages which do not have single armor/resist break on bosses(and therefore need to use at least 5x more essences than anyone else on bosses , and these are often essences that we need to pay or farm like snow essence) and latest patch even more enemies are immune for mind control and some say mages have the edge here.
    Get you facts straight.
    tozagol, Alpaca and tiki like this.
  17. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    To be honest I don't care if mage are the best right now I wish only the ranger to be playable and the same for dwarf or war if they are în the same trouble like rangers(i have only ranger)...
    With 250k dmg and 43% critic to stay 30sec on normal dificulty and 1min in painful to a mini not nice at all !!
    In general a game is made to have fun and relax, but dso is not fun anymore, they just lost on they own way...
  18. 4NormaL

    4NormaL Junior Expert

    the mage strong? mage to play alone? hahaha very funny. It has a fireball that deals 140% damage and has no other ability. Fireball only - fireball everywhere. You have to shoot fireball wherever you go.

    I'm tired of now, the wizard is not the strongest but the weakest character.

    Here is the proof. It is only warriors who can play alone.

    Why does nobody see the warriors? Why are you so obsessed with the mage? Comfortable playing alone should not be just for the warrior. All characters should be able to play alone. And stop talking about the mage anymore.
    Alpaca likes this.
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Exactly. We should only care about our class being a train wreck. Ranger is an unplayable joke ... other classes are joke too but not funny as much the ranger is XD
    tozagol, ViktorG75, Alpaca and 3 others like this.
  20. Steve75

    Steve75 Junior Expert

    There are more from this "copy/paste" team :p, Desert of Essences / All the Colors / Reward: 100 Crystal Dew, 5 Draken Core, 25 Carmot. I did not finish yet so I don't know what would I get on completion.
    trakilaki likes this.
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