Dark Mage Costume in white or red

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by vinsa, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. vinsa

    vinsa Forum Apprentice

    Hi, it would be great, if you offer Dark Mage Costume in white or red color, or may be if you change it in paintable costume. It's perfect for mags, so it will be great if there is more diversity.

    Serenthía likes this.
  2. Serenthía

    Serenthía Someday Author

    I agree with you there Vinsa, i was thinking the same when i got the costume. And by the way you guys should also think on adding the Red Color to the colors palette. I was hoping to have some for valentines but it never came and Crimson is just not the same.
  3. shadow-whisper

    shadow-whisper Forum Mogul

    Why not, could look great in white .. but I would love to have the Varholm costume in green color - would look great on ranger x)
  4. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Red dye is only available in the Gnob's store. Price was 120 Draken last time I checked.

    I have a question. Is the Dark Mage costume permanent now? I remember and update that claimed the age of timed items was over...
  5. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I can confirm that the Dark Mage costume is now permanent. As far as other items, I am not sure. I think when I was on the test server and previewed the new-and-improved Full Moon event (page), it may have had a temporary moonwalk emote still listed. I am not completely sure of that, but I will check later if no one confirms/denies it here.

    Edit: I logged onto the test server, but there is no event active now. I do not know 100% whether the moonwalk emote is still timed for 7 days. I think it was, but I could be mistaken.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  6. Serenthía

    Serenthía Someday Author

    Hi there, TheInfamous
    Actually the last time the Gnob came to town he was only selling the White Dye and the Black one also but no Red, or else i would have bought it.
  7. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Yeah, for some reason he was not selling Red Dyes that time.