Darkness, my old friend ... need help

Discussion in 'Quests' started by sacapus72, Dec 26, 2020.

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  1. sacapus72

    sacapus72 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi all, in quest darkness my old friend... where drop 30 green wicht bonnets ???? no found in twited woods and same with 20 carnelians in telepolos and same with 30 serpents fern at tetaconetl.....

    The quest is bug ?
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi sacapus72 as far as i know this quest is bugged. it's only possible right now to farm one item and the quest says in brigavik and it's not eighter there but at least they mark the right place and once there enemies drop those one. In my modest oppinion. the same that happens with this item, it happens with the other three. they mark cornalina in telepolos, but i thin it's gonna be in kinza same that happens with brigavik, and the other two, the twisted woods mar tetaconetl something wrong... and i think we are gonna need more missions to unlock maps there like telepolos and brigavik and once in them we could get those items, but this last part is just a theory...

    I've been told by suppor that dev already know about all those bugs that must be mended yet... and in case some quest are impossible to finish now we must wait for chapter 2 to finish them...

    I wish it calms you cos we are all in the same situation... :mad: