Feedback December 2021: Events feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Melethainiel, Dec 7, 2021.

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  1. mystic_archer29

    mystic_archer29 Forum Apprentice

    I abused this bug only about 1300 times, i think its unfair for bigpoint to take away my items for such a small sample
    AndJustice4All and 1vanka like this.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is almost the day after tomorrow and the King Harold's quest is not available as said in the announcement.
    Last time I couldn't exploit it because I haven't even noticed there is a quest up there ... and now the quest is still not available because they did not say whether "tomorrow" is this year or maybe next year.
    It is not fair ... I can't exploit the quest :(
    Dude I don't give my phone number to anyone ... not even I know my phone number :D
    Besides ... I don't install spyware infested apps ;)

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Well..this summer festival is one big pile of EDIT.

    A little bit of dust and some essence for a build i never use.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 25, 2022
  4. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    Any chance you can inform us on what the useless programmers of this game are going to touch next ?
    Saves loosing thousands of resources Pets and Mounts you had from Previous events ?
    When your toon is maxed you just have these things sitting in case you nerf us as per usual or do another expansion.
    You run the same events month in month out year after year because your team has know imagination.
    But you took so much stuff that was from Previous years because no one in DSO has a clue what they are doing.
    You make that obvious every time you touch the game.
    At least I have never gave you any $$$$. :)