Suggestion Dedicated instances for end game players (open world PVP)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -HARRA81-, Nov 22, 2015.

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Would you like to have only worthy opponents in your instances ?

  1. Yes! Great idea

  2. No!

  3. Yes, with some changes

  4. No. I have a twink and this system is bad for it

    0 vote(s)
  5. What is end game ???

    0 vote(s)
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  1. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    For some time I have been thinking why there is no dedicated instances for end game players?
    It doesn't serve any purpose to have lv20 players in same PVP instances as I am.
    Since the game has been going out for more rewarding game play I think it is time to addres this issue here. Give us worthy opponents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's like going out for fun and fight but without reward.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I like the idea, but it would make for one problem... I like killing twinks that I see in open world maps. I see a LVL 20 AKotO and I will chase them down until they either leave the map or die... whichever comes first and if they come back I'll repeat the process. Maybe they could restrict it by PvP rank (+2/-2). That way if I see a lower level player, I'd know they deserve it.
    misterbean and sebastian_fl like this.
  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Sometime there are just not enough people on the maps. During night time you will need ten instances instead of one every level, 5-10, 11-15 etc. And to be honest those low level do not bother me, or die fast if they do. Plus you have got city arena with that already, why would I care? The only use case I find useful would be the snowman farming, but it has nothing to do with pvp
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