Deeps of Demise - A task for the Best

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Slipknot3232, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. Slipknot3232

    Slipknot3232 Forum Apprentice

    In clearing sections for this quest I keep running into an imp carrying chests with green poisons dropping from sky. I can not figure out how to beat this one. I can't hit him with any regularity to do him any harm, and green goo soon fills area and I die...

    What am I missing on this one?
  2. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    A team capable of stunning him. I had a whole line of posts on this.

    If you are by yourself, 1) don't waste the resources, 2) run a very slow back and forth routine and you can keep the acid in check enough to last till he vanishes without losing too much health.
    Shabono likes this.
  3. Slipknot3232

    Slipknot3232 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks will give it a try
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