Announcement Defeat The Undefeatable: Patchnotes 2024

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Melethainiel, Apr 21, 2024.

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  1. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Heroes of Dracania!

    Defeat the Undefeatable Event, April 2024 version: Patchnotes

    • The drop rate of Gems gained from defeating Defeat The Undefeatable bosses has been readjusted.
    • A new pet has been added Nian Beast Doll. You can craft the new pet on the workbench, and it requires the following materials:
      • 100x Flame of a Phoenix
      • 300x Newborn Heart
      • 300x Feather of Gryphon
      • 1x Nian Beast Doll's Body
    • A new doll body has been added Nian Beast Doll's Body. You can obtain it from:
      • Chest of Triumphant: Can drop the doll's body with a low chance.
      • Grima's Shop: You can purchase the doll body for x4999 Draken
    • A new achievement that gives the Manual: Nian Beast Doll has been added under the category Events -> Defeat the Undefeatable
    • A new bundle Key of the Fearless Bundle has been added to the shop. You have a chance to receive 5/10/20/40/80x Key of the Fearless
    • 2x new Key of the Fearless shop offers have been added.
    Cooking System: Patch Notes
    • A new category of Daily Challenges has been added: Cooking Challenges
      • 1st tier: a task from Brak Olufson, reward: +25% stack size of Materi Fragments dropped by monsters for 15 minutes;
        • Collect 10x Pineapple, reward: 4x Kitchen Key
        • Collect 10x Carrot, reward: 2x Kitchen Key
        • Collect 10x Mango, reward: 4x Kitchen Key
        • Collect 10x Tomato, reward: 2x Kitchen Key
      • 2nd tier: a task from Brak Olufson, reward: +10.00% Health Points for 30 minutes;
        • Open the Kitchen Chest:1, reward: 10x Kitchen Coin
        • Collect 1x Fish, reward: 2x Kitchen Key
      • 3rd tier: a task for Brak Olufson, reward: +10.00% damage for 60 minutes;
        • Collect 1x Beef, reward: 20x Kitchen Key
        • Collect 1x Lobster, reward: 30x Kitchen Key
    • New Quests:
      • Cooking Corn Fed
      • Cooking Red Juice

    • NPCs:
      • Brak Olufson: Chef, quest-giver
      • Dante DeSiddis: Recipe Merchant
        • Carrot Juice Recipe: 1x Kitchen Coin
        • Pineapple Juice Recipe: 1x Kitchen Coin
        • Mango Juice Recipe: 1x Kitchen Coin
        • Ketchup Recipe: TBDx Kitchen Coin
        • Carrot and Pineapple Milkshake Recipe: 5x Kitchen Coin
        • Mango and Pineapple Milkshake Recipe: 5x Kitchen Coin
        • Fruit Yogurt: 10x Kitchen Coin
        • Vegetable Yogurt: 10x Kitchen Coin
        • Fish Fingers Recipe: 5x Kitchen Coin
        • Cooked Beef Recipe: 5x Kitchen Coin
        • Grilled Lobster Recipe: 20x Kitchen Coin
        • Fish Fingers and Ketchup Recipe: 20x Kitchen Coin
        • BBQ Beef Recipe: 20x Kitchen Coin
        • Surf and Turf Recipe: 50x Kitchen Coin
      • Stellan Caprise: Caterer, food recycling and Kitchen Coin offer:
        • Kitchen Key: 2x Kitchen Coin (100x per day)
        • Broken Multitool: 3x Kitchen Coin (10x per day)
        • 5x Lockpick: 5x Kitchen Coin (20x per day)
        • 5x Spirit Stone: 5x Kitchen Coin (10x per day)
        • Secret Lairs’ Offering: 10x Kitchen Coin (2x per day)
        • Tiny Troublemaker: 100x Kitchen Coin
        • Tiny Troublemaker-Luxuriant: 200x Kitchen Coin
        • Tiny Troublemaker-Elegant: 200x Kitchen Coin
        • Tiny Troublemaker-Lovely: 200x Kitchen Coin
        • Tiny Troublemaker-Vivid: 200x Kitchen Coin
        • Four-colored Flying Carpet (mount): 999x Kitchen Coin
        • Soldier of the Crown Costume (costume): 599x Kitchen Coin
        • Stormball Keepy-uppy (emote): 399x Kitchen Coin
      • Freya Elise: Food Merchant
        • Flour: 3x Gold
        • Corn: 7x Gold
        • Refined Sugar: 20x Gold
        • Salt: 30x Gold
        • Pepper: 50x Andermant
        • BBQ Sauce: 100x Andermant
        • Cocoa Powder: 100x Andermant
        • Milk: 100x Andermant
    • New objects in Hagastove Grotto:
      • Fruit Tree (requires 2x Kitchen Key), gives 1-10x Pineapple and 1-10x Mango
      • Vegetable Garden (requires 1x Kitchen Key), gives 1-10x Tomato and 1-10x Carrot
      • Kitchen Chest Small (requires 10x Kitchen Key, 3 seconds cooldown), gives 1-5x Fish
      • Kitchen Chest Medium (requires 50x Kitchen Key, 20 seconds cooldown), gives 10-13x Beef
      • Kitchen Chest Big (requires 100x Kitchen Key, 20 seconds cooldown), gives 10x Lobster

    • New Recipes at Cooking Station:
      • Candycorn: essence +80.00% damage, requires recipe (from quest Cooking Corn Fed), requires 10x Corn and 5x Refine Sugar
      • Tomato Juice: potion, restores 30.00% of your Health Points, Cooldown time: 4s, requires recipe (from quest Cooking Red Juice), requires 5x Tomato
      • Carrot Juice: potion, restores 30.00% of your resource, Cooldown time: 4s, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 5x Carrot
      • Pineapple Juice: restores 2.50% of your Health Points + restores 2.50% of your Health Points per tick, Duration: 10s, Cooldown: 3s, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 5x Pineapple
      • Mango Juice: restores 2.50% of your resource+ restores 2.50% of your resource per tick, Duration: 10s, Cooldown: 3s, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 5x Mango
      • Carrot & Pineapple Milkshake: restores 30.00% of your Health Points + restores 2.50% of your Health Points per tick, Duration: 10s, Cooldown: 3s, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 5x Carrot, 5x Pineapple and 1x Milk
      • Mango & Pineapple Milkshake: restores 30.00% of your resource + restores 2.50% of your resource per tick, Duration: 10s, Cooldown: 3s, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 5x Mango, 5x Pineapple and 1x Milk
      • Fruit Yogurt: restores 50.00% of your Health Points + restores 5.00% of your Health Points per tick, Duration: 10s, Cooldown: 3s, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 5x Mango, 5x Pineapple and 5x Milk
      • Vegetable Yogurt: restores 50.00% of your resource + restores 5.00% of your resource per tick, Duration: 10s, Cooldown: 3s, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 5x Tomato, 5x Carrot and 5x Milk
      • Fish Fingers: +50 Block Strength, Duration: 30m, Cooldown: 30m, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 1x Fish
      • Cooked Beef: +70 Block Strength, Duration: 30m, Cooldown: 30m, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 1x Beef
      • Grilled Lobster: +90 Block Strength, Duration: 30m, Cooldown: 30m, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 1x Lobster
      • Ketchup: ingredient for another dish, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 10x Tomato
      • Fish Finger and Ketchup: ingredient for another dish, recyclable into 2x Kitchen Coin, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 10x Ketchup and 5x Fish Finger
      • BBQ Beef: ingredient for another dish, recyclable into 3x Kitchen Coin, requires a recipe (Dante DeSiddis’ offer), requires 2x BBQ Sauce and 2x Cooked Beef
      • Surf and Turf: recyclable into 50x Kitchen Coin, requires 5x Grilled Lobster, 5x Fish Finger and Ketchup, 5x BBQ Beef

    • New bundles:
      • 1x Kitchen Key for 100x Andermant
      • 10x Kitchen Key for 950x Andermant
      • 50x Kitchen Key for 4600x Andermant
      • 100x Kitchen Key for 9000x Andermant
    Your Drakensang Online Team
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