Support Defeat the Undefeatable progress bar

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by simoneskum1, Jan 23, 2022.

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  1. simoneskum1

    simoneskum1 Forum Greenhorn

    Can you tell me why my progress is less than other players who are the same lvl as me? My character is 100 level, and my first progress is 5k and my second is 10k. What does it depend on that some players have the first progress 20k and the second 40k? They end up getting more keys with which they can open all the chests. It is not clear to me and I have not seen any explanation anywhere.

    Thank you.
    tozagol likes this.
  2. remei

    remei Junior Expert

    It apparently depends on level of Achievements too, but the exact values you need to have for upper level were not officially announced (for older iterations of the event, Wiki listed it at 5000 and 7000 achievement points, respectively).
    tozagol likes this.
  3. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    gbit and Slayerpanther like this.
  4. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Exceptional Talent