Delayed mobs physics glitch

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Goldreich, Aug 3, 2014.

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  1. Goldreich

    Goldreich Forum Apprentice

    Hi, I'm really quite surprised this glitch hasn't been fixed yet, and that I'm having to post about it. It occurred during the last 'Rise of Dragan' event (along with the horrid unidentified item '?' placement in inventory glitch) - When riding / running through maps past hordes of mobs (enemies) you'll find yourself suddenly taking damage, and after several seconds immediately transported back to a previous part of your route, where you're surrounded by the enemy.

    This glitch had always been around to a very minor extent, getting snagged on scenery and dragged back a second later, but the extended delay and frequency suddenly grew after one of the recent patches. It now makes running through crowded areas almost impossible. Please can this be addressed ASAP, as I say, I don't know how it's gone overlooked for so long.
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    It is already known issue and there are multiple threads about this issue.
    Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

    Closing this thread.
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