Event FAQ Descent Into The Ancestral Ruins (Спуск в руины предков)

Discussion in 'Русскоязычный раздел' started by Tang San, Jul 31, 2024.

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  1. Tang San

    Tang San Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Descent Into The Ancestral Ruins - FAQ


    How Big Are the Ancestral Ruins?

    The Ancestral Ruins have a total of 10 levels, each with 10 difficulties. The higher the level, the greater the chance of dropping rewards from bosses.

    What Do I Get from the Ancestral Ruins?
    • Victory Medals: Used to exchange for rewards from Beregar The First.
    • Ancestral Glory Blueprints (Cloak and Ring): New recipes added to the Crafting Station for enhancing the Forgotten Glory set.
    • Arcane Dragon Essence: One of the ingredients for the Ancestral Glory Set.
    • Ingredients for Crafting Travel Rations to Blazing Inferno.
    • Trial Points for the Progression Bar.
    • Dragon Crest Parts: Special items for future releases, not yet implemented in the current version.
    What are the differences between Forgotten Glory Set and Ancestral Glory Set?

    The new set has enhanced Unique Values:
    • Ancestral Glory Cloak: +10% damage, +5000 damage
    • Ancestral Glory Ring: +10% damage, +10% critical value
    Will you rework both Dragonknight’s Forgotten Glory and Ancestral Glory Set?

    Yes, we acknowledged that Dragonknight’s set needs to rework. We will change it in Q4 2024. More reworking and class rebalancing will be coming in this year.

    How to Enter the Ancestral Ruins?

    Find the painting in the Church of Kingshill; Father Fidelis might know something about it. Alternatively, go to “Event” and press “Start” to teleport to the Ancestral Ruins.

    Where Do I Get the Quest?

    Talk to Beregar The First to start the quest. You can also purchase Ancestral Ruins Rewards from him using Victory Medals, which drop from the bosses in each level.

    How Can I Progress in the Ancestral Ruins?

    You will see many icons on the mini-map. Try to activate the Fire Platforms of Trial and the Staffs of Plagues, but beware of monsters and traps. Find and defeat the mini-bosses. The final boss of each level will then reveal itself.

    Do I Need to Activate All the Fire Platforms of Trial and Staffs of Plagues on the Map?

    No, you only need to find and activate the ones that trigger the boss fight.

    How Can I Enhance the Forgotten Glory Set?

    • Obtain Ancestral Glory Blueprints (Cloak and Ring): There is a chance to get the new recipes from all bosses in the Ancestral Ruins.
    • Collect Required Ingredients:
      • A set of Forgotten Glory (Cloak and Ring) from the Big Game Hunt event.
      • Dragon Bones.
      • Arcane Dragon Essence: from all bosses in the Ancestral Ruins.
    • Craft at the Workbench.
    If I Use Two Different Levels of the Forgotten Glory Set, What Will Be the Level of the Ancestral Glory Equipment?

    For example, if you craft with a level 125 ring and a level 145 cloak, you will get a level 145 Ancestral Glory equipment.

    How Can I Use Dragon Crest Parts That Drop from Bosses?

    The development team is exploring a new permanent feature called “Dragon Crest”, which is intended to enhance characters. We will announce it once it’s ready.

    Описание на русском языке возможно будет доступно позже.

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  2. Tang San

    Tang San Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Здравствуйте, Heroes of Dracania!

    Во время приключений в Ancestral Ruins вы можете получить некоторые части Dragon Crest и некоторые Dragon Stones.
    Это связано с разработкой новой функции - Dragon Crest. Некоторые отсутствующие значки будут исправлены как можно скорее.

    Мы НЕ заберем эти предметы обратно, и вы можете сохранить их. Когда Dragon Crest будет запущен, эти предметы будут полезны.

    Dragon Crest предназначен для улучшения ваших персонажей. Однако детали этой функции еще не завершены. Мы объявим об этом, как только детали будут подтверждены.


    С уважением,
    Ваша команда Drakensang Online.
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