Discord server

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jullov, Oct 22, 2021.

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  1. Jullov

    Jullov Forum Apprentice

    Hi there. Im here becasue i want to ask why am i getting all the Times kickes and block from official discord drakensang server. I didnt break any rule and i didnt get any warn or information about it. Only what i did was maybe Little spam but i think i could get warn or block for chat - not for all discord server.

    Why i want to be there? Because there is a lot of informations about future game, about patchem and orther notices and i World like to see that
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello Jullov , if you wish, you could contact your language Support through which your case may be forwarded to Discord Admins;

  3. Jullov

    Jullov Forum Apprentice

    Its not such easy. Im looking for someone who could ask and check about my case or problem because when i asked about it discord administrations at new account, only Radec gave me answer that Markiobe will resolve. And from that time i didnt get any answer i just get kicked and banned Again without any reason (because at new acc i did totally nothing wrong)

    If administrators of discord cannot Explain me why are they using such methods like ban against me, i Would like to meet someone more competate to Solve my problem.
  4. Jullov

    Jullov Forum Apprentice

    I dont have to be able to write at discord server i rlly dont care but why they cant give me possobilty to only READ about patches etc.

    I suggested them to take off my ban at main account and maybe give only chat ban - it could solve my problem but they dont care and dont giving any answers.
    all in all it's funny my agreeableness because I could as well resist not having any punishment at all - in the end I didn't break the rules
  5. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    I am really sorry but I cannot advise you any other way but to contact your language Support and try to establish some kind of communication with Discord Admins through your language Support. We are unable to assist you with this matter here - I'm sorry;

    kind regards;

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