DK stun charge problem (video)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Torefas, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    I made this video to show how the problem is (like Biztart requested). Here is the video description.

    00.06 - 1st stun, succeed on immobile target.

    00.39 - 2nd stun, fail to stun mobile target by clicking the target. It should be working this way, clicking on mobile target to made stun. Then after some patch, this not working anymore.

    00.54 - 3rd stun, success to stun mobile target by passing him. At the moment, this is the only way to stun mobile target which sometime result in 4th stun.

    01.10 - 4th stun, success to stun mobile target by passing him but unluckily to far to follow up attacks.

    Multi-Sev likes this.
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Thanks for making this video, Torefas. I was going to try to make one, but I am using free software and the resolution is not as good as this one.

    The important stun-attempt, I think, is the second one (39 seconds). Torefas appears to impact his friend in the pink dress, but no stun or damage occurred. Also, I think that apparent "displacement" that occurred at the moment of (what should have been) impact is seen a lot when this skill fails.

    If you're pointing right at a target, the stunning and damaging part of the charge should work even if the target is moving. It does not stun or do damage when you point at a moving target and charge it. It used to work, but it doesn't anymore.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  3. Goat

    Goat Forum Apprentice

    Yep, 2nd "stun" is how it goes (too) many times for me too...but I thought maybe its just desync/lag from my connection (maybe something like when you jump, get stunned and you keep "moving" while stunned and end up in weirdest places :D ).
    I know this skill worked like you said sometime: you clicked/highlighted a moving target and the charge followed it til it hit. But a lot of times (in my 1 year or so experience as dk) it didn't, only when doing what you did in 3rd and 4th attempts. Anyway, got a feeling they'll say its as intended now, that it should only charge in a straight line and not follow target.
  4. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    Thank you for posting the video and the images.
  5. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    I have a bigger problem then you bro, my stun work 2 seconds after I hit target with stun charge. Why is that?
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