Support Dowload error: url=, code=6, msg=SSL handshake

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by -condordrake-, Apr 28, 2024.

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  1. -condordrake-

    -condordrake- Forum Greenhorn


    I got recently some issues by going on the client;
    I searched how to solve those issues and I ended up downloading "isrgrootx1" and "1srg-root-x2". but it doesn't solved any of my problem and i still have this error text:

    "Dowload error: url=,
    code=6, msg=SSL handshake failed"

    Btw I'm on windows 10.

    I would be grateful to know how to solve this...
    Thank's by advance.
  2. SimbaTheBully

    SimbaTheBully Someday Author

    I had the same problem this morning, I solved it by deleting and re-downloading the DSOClient folder from the temporary files, you can find the folder in "C:\Users\YOUR-PC-NAME\AppData\Local\Temp" or by typing in Run "%temp %" without the "
    MandragonLii likes this.
  3. Yngr1d

    Yngr1d Forum Greenhorn

    Same problem....i have re-instal the game but nothing changed...
  4. MandragonLii

    MandragonLii Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you this helped, but only once, it must be done before each sign in the game. And even the browser login does not work the same certificate problem.

    Last edited by moderator: Apr 28, 2024
  5. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

  6. Lax

    Lax Forum Greenhorn