Downloading files in C drive

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by cntgetright, Apr 25, 2020.

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  1. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    Is there not a way to download this client and its files into my D drive? My C drive is small and full of system files. There is not enough room to download all the files to my C drive without deleting system files (which is not going to happen). So why is there not an option to download into my D drive? I have my storage settings defaulted for everything going to my D drive but this game for some reason still tried to go to my C drive. Any suggestions?
  2. Nikitaaa

    Nikitaaa Forum Greenhorn

    when an install starts it asks where, you seem to have missed this step, it asks , and gives you time do decide where
  3. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times within the last 2 days specifically looking for this step. After you click agree to the term and conditions the only option is to start the installation. There is not a file location where I can select or change the file location. There is however an option to download the client itself to a different drive which must be what you are talking about. However the actual installation, the option is not there
  4. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hi there, you can only install the game in its default location- more on that in this thread.

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