Announcement Dracanian Championship

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Radec, Mar 24, 2022.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    Dear heroes, please read following rules if you want to participate

    • Championship starts 28.03.2022 and lasts for 28 days. Every day, you will face one discipline. You can check plan of all disciplines below
    • Only answers written in english will be accepted. We highly recommend to send your answer with your in-game nick and server, so we can book you your rewards faster in case you will win
    • All moderators are excluded from participating
    • Every forum account is connected with in-game account, therefore we kindly ask you to use forum account connected with the in-game account you would like to get your rewards on.
    • Open your account in browser
    • Click on forum button
    • Once you make a post, you can not edit or delete your answer. Deleting/editing may lead you to be disqualified from current round of contest!
    Q: What class is the only short ranged one?
    A: Dragonknight, game nick: CLMario, server Heredur
    Q: Find this place
    A: It is in Torstrond, game nick: CLMario, server Heredur
    Q: What number is under censored area?
    A: My tip is 150 000 000
    game nick: CLMario, server Heredur
    Q: You can register in lottery now
    A: Signed. game nick: CLMario, server Heredur
    • Players participating with multiaccounts will be disqualified from whole contest!
    • There are 5 categories:

    Wisdom category
    • You will get question about game. Players that will answer it correctly will be rewarded with points in both overall and wisdom category.
    • Total of 7 wisdom tasks await for you!
    • Pointing depends on how fast you will write your correct answer. Only top 10 classified players will get points: 25, 18, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1.
    • In case 2 or more players are equal on points, More wins decide. If they are equal on number of wins, more second places decide and so on up to tenth place. In case players are still equal, lower account ID decides winner.

    Pilgrim category
    • You will get image from a place somewhere in Dracania that needs to be found! Players that will send a picture with correct location (your location must be visible on minimap as well as your nickname!) will be rewarded with points in both overall and wisdom category.
    • Total of 7 pilgrim tasks await for you!
    • Pointing depends on how fast you will post your correct answer. Only top 10 classified players will get points: 25, 18, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1.
    • In case 2 or more players are equal on points, More wins decide. If they are equal on number of wins, more second places decide and so on up to tenth place. In case players are still equal, lower account ID decides winner.

    Guessing category
    • You will get an image with number hiding under blurred area. Players have to guess this number as close as possible.
    • Total of 7 guessing tasks await for you!
    • Top 10 players with closest guesses will be rewarded with points in both guessing and overall category. Only top 10 classified players will get points: 25, 18, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1.
    • If 2 or more players guess the number with equal difference, earlier time of your post decides
    • In case 2 or more players are equal on points, More wins decide. If they are equal on number of wins, more second places decide and so on up to tenth place. In case players are still equal, lower account ID decides winner.

    Lottery category
    • Players are free to participate. All participants will take a place in lottery. 10 players will be randomly chosen to get their points in both lottery and overall category via
    • Total of 7 lottery tasks await for you!
    • Only top 10 drawn players will get points: 25, 18, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1.
    • In case 2 or more players are equal on points, More wins decide. If they are equal on number of wins, more second places decide and so on up to tenth place. In case players are still equal, lower account ID decides winner.

    Overall category
    • Points from all categories combined are counted.
    • In case 2 or more players are equal on points, More wins decide. If they are equal on number of wins, more second places decide and so on up to tenth place. In case players are still equal, lower account ID decides winner.

    • Players are contending for following rewards:

    Overall Classification - Winner
    • 1x Long Forgotten Bone Dragon
    • 3x Deluxe (1 month)
    • 33 333x Andermant
    • 1 500x Community Coin

    Overall Classification – Second
    • 2 500x Dragon Bones
    • 1x Deluxe (1 month)
    • 11 111x Andermant
    • 1 000x Community Coin

    Overall Classification – Third
    • 1 000x Dragon Bones
    • 1x Premium (1 month)
    • 3 333x Andermant
    • 500x Community Coin

    Overall Classification – Fourth up to Tenth
    • 250x Dragon Bones
    • 1x Premium (1 week)
    • 250x Community Coin

    Wisdom Category – Winner
    • 500 000x Shiny Dust
    • 7x Dragon Bone Elixir

    Pilgrim Category – Winner
    • 5 000x Fragment of Infernal Passage
    • 33x Mark of Mortis

    Guessing Category – Winner
    • 75x Steam Core
    • 750x Broken Multitool

    Lottery Category – Winner
    • 1x Jewel of the Ingredient Hunter
    • 2 500x Draken

    Daily Winner
    • 3x Empowered Cursed Pearl

    • Schedule:


    • Ranking:

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2022
  2. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    Day 1, Guessing category!

    Your task is to guess the number under
    red mark. I gave you small hint next to it ;). Please post your answers there.
    Ten closest guesses wins points. You have 4 hours to answer since now, good luck!

    (Don´t forget rules exist!)
    kenowy4693 and Diva_Aginaberta like this.
  3. Xelteq

    Xelteq Forum Apprentice

  4. yasowbal

    yasowbal Forum Greenhorn

    My guess is: 93000
    Nick: Cosmaz, Server: Heredur
  5. crescendolls

    crescendolls Forum Greenhorn

    71k game nick: Crescendolls, server Werian
  6. UstaYolcu

    UstaYolcu Forum Greenhorn

    71k, 63% game nick: Epilogue, server Werian
  7. despond

    despond Forum Apprentice

  8. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice

    My guess is 78744. IGN : Ryzεn, Server : Heredur.
  9. ChingJang

    ChingJang Forum Greenhorn

    80 k game nick: Ellisabet, server Heredur
  10. KaaaN

    KaaaN Forum Greenhorn

    69k game nick name : Süperkaan , server Heredur
  11. Adrian5798

    Adrian5798 Padavan

    My tip is 88100
    game nick: Adrian5798, server Heredur
  12. rok1998

    rok1998 Forum Apprentice

    69000 game nick: Rok1998 server Grimmag
  13. OmerreiZ588I

    OmerreiZ588I Forum Apprentice


    Nick : Maszive
    Server : Heredur
  14. Thorin222

    Thorin222 Forum Apprentice

    My tip is: 94359
    Game nick: Satille, server Heredur
  15. Indigo

    Indigo Forum Greenhorn

    80193 Tуг, Heredur
  16. Balorien

    Balorien Someday Author

    91342 GN: Gliganа Server: Heredur
  17. piotrek21601

    piotrek21601 Forum Greenhorn

    game nick: ßlß
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  18. minecrafteur60

    minecrafteur60 Forum Greenhorn


    Nick : Nemesis
    Server : Heredur
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  19. qgamepalyp

    qgamepalyp Forum Greenhorn

    78k game nick: Edygaming, server Grimmag
  20. ExoticPotato

    ExoticPotato Forum Greenhorn

    Nick :Badel, server:Grimmag
  21. ironjoke

    ironjoke Forum Greenhorn

    game nick: Darkloker server : Heredur
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