Announcement Dracanian Championship

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Radec, Mar 24, 2022.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. MihaiMagic001

    MihaiMagic001 Forum Greenhorn

    Nick: Cezaяa
    Server: Heredur
  2. Kelle

    Kelle Forum Apprentice

    K3lle Heredur
  3. piterpl20

    piterpl20 Forum Greenhorn

    Nick: Arkhenneld
    serwer: Grimmag
  4. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    Winning numbers are based on your post ID. First number in set is winner, second number is runner-up etc. Please, give me few minutes to check if winners did not break any rules. Official results will be shared soon.
    Red arrow shows your post ID: post_ID.png
  5. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    We start tomorrow at 14:00 (german time)!
    Offical results:

    (reward was booked to the winner)
  6. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    Day 7, Wisdom category!

    What the letters in word S.O.I. mean? Answer me in 3 words please.

    (As always, do not forget we have rules)
  7. Folterknecht

    Folterknecht Forum Apprentice

    Silicon-on-Insulator, heredur, Λιdaη
  8. Xelteq

    Xelteq Forum Apprentice

    silicon-on-insulator xelteq balor
  9. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    All in One
    Nick: Golem, Server: Agathon
  10. Xernii

    Xernii Forum Greenhorn

  11. NeronoreN

    NeronoreN Forum Apprentice

    nick : Neroni
    Serwer : Grimmag
  12. Drinex

    Drinex Forum Greenhorn


    Nick: Maślanka
    serwer: Grimmag
  13. Adrian5798

    Adrian5798 Padavan

    All in one, Adrian5798, Heredur
  14. Bζυτmσηδ

    Bζυτmσηδ Forum Apprentice

    Nick: Bζυτmσηδ
    Server: Heredur
  15. lampanocnaxd

    lampanocnaxd Forum Greenhorn

    all in one
    nick: witcher
  16. Thorin222

    Thorin222 Forum Apprentice

    Satille, server Heredur
  17. actesi

    actesi Forum Apprentice

    Name : Feusacrée
    Server : Heredur
    All in One
  18. R_1

    R_1 Forum Apprentice

    Silicon-on-Insulator, gamenick 69hiq69, server grimmag
  19. A.YILMAZ

    A.YILMAZ Forum Greenhorn

    All in one, WeslayTr server Werian
  20. luukm

    luukm Forum Apprentice

    Nick: BiGMEKKI
    Server: Heredur
  21. rok1998

    rok1998 Forum Apprentice

    Silicon-on-Insulator game nick rok1998 server Grimmag
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