Announcement Dracanian Championship

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Radec, Mar 24, 2022.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. GeorgiM2208

    GeorgiM2208 Forum Greenhorn

    Nick: нειι
    Server: Grimmag
  2. Bζυτmσηδ

    Bζυτmσηδ Forum Apprentice

    Nick: Bζυτmσηδ
    Server: Heredur
  3. MagicBow

    MagicBow Forum Apprentice

  4. Folterknecht

    Folterknecht Forum Apprentice

    Nick: Λιdaη
    Server: Heredur
  5. blvckm

    blvckm Forum Greenhorn

    Nick: Alreadydead
    Serwer: Heredur

    MATTIAB5 Forum Apprentice

    Nick: Fategladia
    Server: Heredur
  7. illusion14

    illusion14 Forum Greenhorn

    nick: Nacca server: Grimmag
  8. schmidtus

    schmidtus Forum Greenhorn

  9. DeathOfSuper

    DeathOfSuper Forum Apprentice

    GrimReaper666 heredur
  10. Maxter07

    Maxter07 Forum Greenhorn

    nick: Namurka server: grimmag
  11. BicepsBro98

    BicepsBro98 Forum Greenhorn

    Nick: BicepsBro
    Server: Heredur
  12. Bloodmonth

    Bloodmonth Forum Greenhorn

    Signed. Nick : λτλнλи, Server : Werian
  13. Rainb0w

    Rainb0w Forum Greenhorn

    Game Nick : Rainb0w . Server : Heredur
  14. Adheron

    Adheron Forum Greenhorn

    nick : лdнэгфи server : heredur
  15. Bogdan123

    Bogdan123 Forum Greenhorn

    nick:Aronn server:Heredur
  16. rock3R

    rock3R Forum Greenhorn

    nick: karahan
    server: heredur
  17. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    Unofficial results:
    Please let me validate all winners
  18. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    Official results:
    We continue tomorrow at 16:00! (german time)

    (Rewards for yesterday´s and today´s winner booked)
  19. Radec

    Radec Padavan

    Day 11, Wisdom category!

    In what release level 50 (Balor content expansion) was introduced?
  20. Dемои

    Dемои Forum Pro

    game nick: Aиgеιιοοο, server Grimmag
    Adrian5798 likes this.
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