Dragan Event Rework Preview

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CMClayton, Jun 2, 2017.

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  1. Play.4.Fun

    Play.4.Fun Someday Author

    I have only one question:

    I have Dragan T2 old weapon but didnt have luck with stones (2 poison, 2 lightning, 1 fire), so if I craft is this event what will I get? Old dragan weapon or this new one?
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Nothing will happen. You need three of the same kind of stone. Hopefully your luck improves and you get 1/1/2 of what ever you are looking for.
  3. Play.4.Fun

    Play.4.Fun Someday Author

    Every time BP says "increase drop rate" my mind start screaming: "No, again they increase farming needed to complete" :) . And, yes, I played on TS and get increase drop of dragan items: 1 helm, 2 gloves and 11 boots!. Must confess little less runs on spider but get 1 shoulders and 5 torzo. So... good luck with increased drop rate :)

    This is not a choice. Ring have crit hit that you dont need, and helm have dicent % inc dmg so.....

    Second time my english cose trouble :) . My question was: if I use old T2 with 3 stones will I get old or new dragan T3?
  4. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    In fact that's not the choise you have to do and you will use that ring even with his useless (for dwarfs) crit rate attached unless you wanna drop the q7 set which is, hands down, the best set so far for SMs and RAs.

    The choise you will have to do is between
    OR this:
    Where the main problem is that noone knows if/when the Warlord will be updated.

    Honestly those aren't bad rates but even if they were bad rates the point is that you will end with the full set (could be the Bellicose one or the Battleworn) way before than you have farmed all the draken cores you need for all the crafts.

    To collect the 1200 cores I was speaking in my previus post I will need:
    - 600 runs in painful
    - 400 runs in excruciating
    - 300 runs in fatal

    You are saying that, with about 300-400 runs, I won't have dropped the full set? I hardly belive it.

    What I'm gonna do will be:
    - farm Dragan in fatal untill I've dropped the full bellicose set (excluded the gloves which I won't use anyway because I already got my Q7 gloves and I won't change them).
    - farm the spider in excruciating/fatal (I think excruciating it's more time/drop efficient but that will depend more on the groups I will be able to find than my own expectations) for the draken cores I will need (because the spieder looks way easier than Dragan)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  5. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    Warlord set is old and its replaced with Belicose set. So only when Belicose set is outdated there is a chance that Worload set will be back.
  6. wsaa1

    wsaa1 Forum Greenhorn

    10x Dragan and 7x Widow = 1x boots and 1xtorso. I don't think so that drop rate is increased..
  7. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    If you take into consideration that in the last dragan events we were farming dragan and the spider on fatal and we were barely getting 1 tier 2 in i dont know how many runs and then we had to also craft them, which now we dont have to, yes the drop rate is better. At least, now we can farm infernal and get the tier 4 items, not waste our essences to get 1 tier 1 and then craft it
  8. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    Question: Ive seen that the old dragan set will be available at Gnob in the first week of event, at lvl 55.Will it have base stats or will we be able to add base stats on it via equip refiners or its something like take it to melt it kind of thing? Cuz i doubt that many will spend 20k drakens or so on this set without it having base stats.
  9. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    You should be able to see the stats (or stat ranges) before you buy, so you will be able to make a decision then.

    Edit: given that they are now saying its the very last chance to get that set, my guess is that it has the old values, just extended to level 55.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
  10. Arx_X

    Arx_X Advanced

    most likely oldm stats..but not for long if you use the item refiners..
    so 55 dragan set with new stats and old bonus..sounds tempting
  11. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Refiners only work if there is a corresponding new version. I would not hold my breath on a new version of the old set.
  12. Arx_X

    Arx_X Advanced

    i thought refiners work by giving you the missing base stats while leaving the rest (tier, lvl and enchantments) untouched.
  13. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum


    They touch both the base stats and the enchantments - they convert an old item into a new item.

    My sparks boots had both the base stats and enchantments affected. And a new version needs to actually exist in the game.

    It seems that the ideal use for the refiners is for converting old items that did not have access to unique lines and set enchantments into new items that do. And ideally not old level 50 items if you are level 55. Or for low level twinks to convert certain items into really powerful low level gear with new stats

    What would be an ideal example - probably old tier 2 rune gear. A lot of those only got set bonuses at tier III. But this is only worth considering if you were going to use the rune weapon. Anything else, you are probably getting relatively weak non tiered level 50 items with weak stats, or throwing anders away on things that will drop (like the wolf gear).

    I believe the following items can be converted:
    PW set items, tier III and above
    Wolf slayer set items
    Keens, sparks, roshans and yachaks (note - I do not recommend that you do this for level 50. Does not work for original level 40 items.)
    Dragans bellicose and battleworn sets.
    possibly certain unique pw items (PW rings, pw weapons and shields and torso)
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
  14. Mesala

    Mesala Advanced

    Some clarification, in the above quote it is mentioned that you need Dragan unique + legendary item + Draken core + pristine core OR soul core. If I took this as a fact it would mean we can use Dragan unique + leg + Draken core + soul core for the crafting legendary to unique but I know from testing that is not possible. You can only use the above mentioned dragan unique + leg + draken core + pristine core... so the formula for the soul cores needs to be Dragan unique lower tier + Dragan unique higher tier + draken core + soul core to transfer the already baked dragan tier + leg enchntments. I am guessing probably a tipfeller, but that OR stands really bright :p
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It looks more like "messification" to me :p
    You made several mistakes in one sentence :
    There is not formula for Soul Cores ... they can't be made ... you can only get them from drop or buy them ... and can be used for the recipe. :p
    Tiers can't be transferred ... you can only transfer the enchantments and/or base stats from regular item to regular item (regular crafting) ... or ... from regular item to unique (Pristine Core transfer crafting)... or ... from same unique items with different tier (Soul Core transfer crafting also known as Tier Upgrading). :p
    There are no leg, exo, magic, improved or unique enchantments ... there are only enchantments. The items can be ordinary, leg, exo, magic, improved or unique .
    Also ... during Pristine Core transfer crafting not necessarily only leg items can be used ... items of all rarities can be used. :p

    So it should be stated as following:
    Dragan unique + regular item of any rarity + Draken Cores --- for Pristine Core transfer crafting
    2x same Dragan unique items of different tier + Draken Cores --- for Soul Core transfer crafting.

    BTW you are only year and a half late with your "correction". :oops:
  16. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I believe this was discussed recently elsewhere.
  17. Setepenre

    Setepenre Forum Greenhorn

    Oh, I am sorry - did not found any info about it. I will be grateful if someone send me a link with it or just answer me :)
  18. RegouvoususΘ

    RegouvoususΘ Forum Greenhorn

    I think its not bug but they planned to decrease it a bit cause its now easier to get it.
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