Support Dragon crest part sold by mistake

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by JakuzenSJ, Dec 15, 2024.

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  1. JakuzenSJ

    JakuzenSJ Forum Greenhorn

    Hello guys, i have one very huge problem. By accident i sold one part of dragon crest. I believe it was right bottom part. And i had 83 of those :( Is there a way that i can get that back ?
    Thank you, Sniper[​IMG]
  2. salotr

    salotr Padavan

    Mistake or not, I don't think you will be compensated.
    I don't say this with malice, but these situations could provide precedents that could be used as an "excuse" by other players.

    Also because you are not providing proof of what you say.
    The only irrefutable evidence that can prove what you say is a video of what happened to you.......... and I don't think you were making a video at the time or you would have posted it here.

    If they decide otherwise, consider yourself lucky........... very lucky.
    tozagol likes this.