Dragon Crest unavailable

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Expn, Dec 23, 2024 at 3:49 PM.

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  1. Expn

    Expn Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, I bought the dragon crest from shop but when I try to place it in the slot I get the message: "Dragon Crest as been locked", I already surch for unlock instrutions in youtube and in the wiki. How can I unlock the slot? I will appreciate any help.
  2. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    You need to finish the quest from Father Fidelis who is in Kingshill. (collect 5x100 parts).
    After, you will enter in a map to kill boss.
    Expn and salotr like this.
  3. Expn

    Expn Forum Greenhorn

    TY G-Rico. I see. What I don't see is why purchasing the full dragon crest is available, when we are forced to do the task anyway...