Feedback Drakensang Testing Opportunity - Questions

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    No disappointment, just making a recommendation so that in the future the feedback can be more about the feature being tested and less about saying alive. If anything, I was pleasantly surprised with the load times.
    wiley_wiggins likes this.
  2. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Waiting on Support but ready to pass the info along. I really hope this helps reduce the lag for all the folks being affected by it.
    wiley_wiggins likes this.
  3. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Please hurry with the rewards!
    I'm holding my breathe. I'm old and turning blue. Ach! Gasp! Ach!
    Please hurry.
    wiley_wiggins likes this.
  4. Sangie

    Sangie Forum Apprentice

    Has anyone gotten the rewards yet? Are we still waiting on everyone doing the survey?
  5. babu_o_babu

    babu_o_babu Advanced

    As support mentioned to me, it should be credited to us by the end of today.
  6. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I received the andermant but not the costume nor nifty stuff. Maybe it is coming in waves...
  7. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Got the 50K ander and the nifty stuff - 999 red ess, keys, temp costumes, 3 day premium (I now have 3 stashed away), etc.
  8. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Was it in game or via email?
  9. terrygod

    terrygod Forum Greenhorn

    Same here received the andermants but not the nifty stuff. Maybe it is coming in waves, will wait and see!
  10. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Are they going to test again?

    And please take down the popup ad to apply for Oct. 23-25 testing.
    wiley_wiggins and _Baragain_ like this.
  11. Sangie

    Sangie Forum Apprentice

    I just got the reward, well only half of it.
  12. wiley_wiggins

    wiley_wiggins Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Well aren't you lot a band of patient Heroes? ;) Unfortunately, the items take a lot longer to credit but hopefully I've taken care of you all now.

    @Darwarren you never lose your eyes eh? :) thanks for that; I've requested this to be taken down.

    Massive thanks again to everyone who took part; those who missed out this time, keep checking the forums as you never know when the next opportunity will be. We really hope that all of your hard work will bear fruit.

    All the best and maybe i'll see you out there sometime soon.

    Darwarren likes this.
  13. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    thanks i got full reward and then some. maybe because i did the testing right. i also made sure we got our reward but the real reward is having no lag. alot of testers just played to get 50k ander. as for me i was thankful for it but id rather have a lag free game then reward. i went out of my way to make sure everything was looked at and after. for those who where expecting more well you could have tested more. they where watching. we were watching. sincerely Gles