Drop Rate Death Rattle

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Superme, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Has the dropped rate for Mortis' Death Rattle really increased? I am one of those unfortunate persons who can not seem to get that death rattle. Since before the introduction of variable stats I have been trying to get that frag to complete the "Wand of the End of Time" quest, and have been unsuccessful. Yesterday alone I did about 20 runs to Mortis at one go just to get that frag and no luck. While I was able to get all the Mortis frags to the ring of death, that one is seemingly still very elusive. I am wondering if anyone has repeated that particular quest, and how has it been? Because it seems as if I may never complete that quest.
  2. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    I got Death Rattle on fourth kill.
  3. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I have about 10 Mortis kills which is less than most other veteran players, I think, but so far no death rattle for me. I've defeated Mortis seven times since he started dropping Ring fragments and I have six ring fragments. I don't know if the rattle drop rate was increased but I guess it's still not easy to get.
  4. freewayfrank

    freewayfrank Someday Author

    killed 50xs no rattle.....but enjoying it
  5. bravo1423

    bravo1423 Forum Apprentice

    I, too, seem to be unlucky when it comes to the death rattle. this is the only quest that i haven't completed yet. I don't understand why some team members get it and others don't. I don't think drop rate is affected by base damage or how much damage the team member has contributed in killing mortis. Some members with less base damage or who just keeps running around like chicken and killing only the mobs get the death rattle and the tank doesn't.
  6. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    They call it "luck".

    One of my guild members got death rattle on first Mortis kill.

    I remember farming Gorga Hard, it seems to me everyone got "gorga book" but not me. Killed Gorga maybe 600 times, but still don't have it.
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