DSO client goes out of sync with the server and occupies 100% bandwidth!!!!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ElveElve, Nov 17, 2016.

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  1. ElveElve

    ElveElve Someday Author

    How many times do i have to post this issue? It's been going on ever since r164+

    When i try to rapidly sell items in the shop, and am using other bandwidth-intensive applications, like youtube or something, the client goes out of sync with the server and tries its hardest to re-sync, and in the process it occupies 100% client bandwidth!!!!!!

    you can kill all other bandwidth-consuming processes, and see your DSO clent using say 7MB/s of your connection. I have to restart the client when this happens. This is the screenshot:


    This is like 3rd time im posting this issue, along with how to re-produce it.

    Can we have one guy from your team fire up the client in DEBUG mode and check what is causing the sudden increase in bandwidth usage?

    Yes, i've tried all the options from the FAQ sections, its not applicable, its an issue with the client-server going out of sync. Yes, I am a developer myself, coding client-server apps, so i must know a bit or two right ?


    EDIT: Just to clarify:

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
    Yogo and sebastian_fl like this.
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hi @ElveElve
    Unfortunately we can't help you any further, here in forum. You should file a support ticket.

  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Oh yeah... I reset the map after sold 3 pages of items or so... it drives me nuts. Same about opening lots of cubes, same about picking progress items in open map that the respawning mobs.

    Mal, its not only his issue. Havent you noticed it yourself when you sell tons of stuff?

    Feel-up 4 pages of items.
    Identify all of them
    Start selling.
    Result: every other items will take more time to sell, with the 4th page lagging as crazy.
  4. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    We can't make inquiry in the forums.
    It needs to be processed through support. If support officers can't help, at least they can collect more information and forward the data to the tech team for further analysis.

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