Dwarf Masakerxxl vs mortis SOLO

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by masaker1, Feb 24, 2014.

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  1. masaker1

    masaker1 Forum Apprentice

  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I feel cheated. I watched this expecting some feat of skill or talent. Instead I was treated to dozens of bombs (49) with reds, tons of pots (28), the surprise chest buffs, and even dying... nothing impressive to see here.
  3. Lordcl

    Lordcl Junior Expert

    where does all that stuff come from?bombs and whatnots. that is impressive if you ask me
  4. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    Now see what you done went and done? All little RowdyYates does anymore is sit around and watch that clip over and over with what appears to be a permanent grin on his little face.
    (Thanks for sharing) :)
  5. Apolon80

    Apolon80 Exceptional Talent

    Thats not impressive, that too much funny :D:D:D
    Tones of ess, tones of buffs, tones of potions, tones of bombs - I dont know what's the EDIT point :eek::eek::eek:
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 25, 2014
  6. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    Probably to be one of the few Dwarfs to have solo'd Mortis on film?
  7. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Uhh..... Isn't using ander more wisely to make your character stronger a better idea? Don't rush things :p You don't wanna start the show too early. Rather no show than a bad show. 0 is better than negative, so try again next time.
  8. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    Depends on who you ask. There are a lot of players where Andermant is no object, but bragging rights are ;).
    jthames likes this.
  9. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    I certainly wouldn't brag about throwing ander into the trashcan like that. BUT, I guess you are right. We still have to give him credit for soloing Mortis ander or not.
  10. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    You don't see me solo'ing any bosses :D, just throwing out some possible explanations...and I enjoy watching the videos when I have spare time (even if they are shooting ander from their weapons heh).
    NightWalker likes this.
  11. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    LOL, Some ander magic attack would be nice :D
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    If this is how a game is supposed to be played ... I would rather play chess with the old folks in my neighborhood. :D
    _Baragain_ likes this.
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