dwarf problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Midgets, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Midgets

    Midgets Forum Newbie

    i cant play with dwarf class anymore. its unbearable. its slow. but matter isnt about that.

    after shooting im like stuck. it takes so much time to shoot. with that time shooting i get so many times killed.
    im lvl 26 in resistanse center. and its really hard. i dont remember that this was hard with my dragonknight.

    just letting bugpoint know why i quit with this game.

    i will come next year in same time to chek if anything is changed with this game. probly NOT.
  2. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    I've enjoyed the Dwarf so far, bought back a little adventure to the game. But you are correct about the speed, or lack thereof. If you fire at the bad guy, plan on getting hit back before you can get out of the way or fire again..and if there's two or there bad guys, plan on getting hit back two or three times, which is all it usually takes. Hoping to find, or craft, faster and harder hitting weapons down the line.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  3. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Well, dwarves aren't that good for PVE especially around level 26. After you get C14, dwarves turn much much stronger and after you get your shrapnel shot PVE becomes much easier too. Well, their travel speed sure isn't slow :) +5% travel speed, very OP talent tree.
    jthames likes this.
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