
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by keronnowrang, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. keronnowrang

    keronnowrang Forum Greenhorn

    Hello good day everyone my main character's name is Shadowcaster96. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. Im a little new to the game but i understand most of it already.

    This guild is mainly English speaking and so far has not much members. But these members are very loyal and are always willing to aid any members that are in need of help.

    • Always respect guild members
    • If possible, aid all members when the ask for assistance.(If you cant its no problem, just say your busy)
    • and most of all have fun and make new friends
    Thank you very much and i will be grateful if you join ^_^
    Enjoy your day
  2. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    What server are you on?
  3. keronnowrang

    keronnowrang Forum Greenhorn

    im using USA (East) Agathon
  4. Noir_Ranger

    Noir_Ranger Forum Greenhorn

    damn. this sounded like a cool guild and i just switched from tht server to the west one
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