Elysium Quest Machine Maitenance 4/4

Discussion in 'Quests' started by Sayaa, Mar 19, 2021.

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  1. Sayaa

    Sayaa Advanced

    Anybody completed it?
    got 2/50, now don't drop.
    Elendel80 and navelko like this.
  2. modrzejkuz

    modrzejkuz Active Author

    Hmmm today i collected last one. I have 50/50 but..quest is bugged. It is immposibble to end of quest.
    navelko likes this.
  3. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    I'm currently 5/50. Buddy has 15/50. Both been working on it for while. In the process, we are learning how to operate the Twisted Woods.

    Haven't been there since the last update. Hoping the've fixed the drop rate.
    navelko likes this.
  4. modrzejkuz

    modrzejkuz Active Author

  5. Sayaa

    Sayaa Advanced

    how do you do it? there are only 2 bosses (trees) on every map and they don't drop anything (guess it 10% chance)
    Elendel80 likes this.
  6. modrzejkuz

    modrzejkuz Active Author

    I was collecting it for 25 days. Every day I was making 50-100 maps, collecting 2 pieces of wood.
    There are sometimes more bosses (trees) (4-5) on the map, not only 2.
    Elendel80 and Sayaa like this.
  7. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    To @Sayaa and @modrzejkuz These quest are possible eventhough the last one is a hell to finish it but i did it with 2 of my 3 characters and 1 without having the unique spell of doble drop of items of side quest. and about the part of the quest where you have to defeat some enemies... wait a few seconds and it's done without anything to do... that it is a bug or not i don't know maybe they don't know how to do it better or maybe they don't want it to... too much job

    Enjoy the game
  8. Supercompso

    Supercompso Forum Greenhorn

    5/50 after many maps, this quest is so long... :(
    zimbawe likes this.