EN Community Forum Event - Save Winter Solstice!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Dec 15, 2016.

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  1. Sharp

    Sharp Forum Greenhorn

    Nickname : Kickass2013
    Server : Heredur
    Presents : 179 Green Presents
  2. bogdashka53545

    bogdashka53545 Forum Greenhorn

    Char name: рука
    Server: Werian
    Green Presents: 179
  3. uenkai

    uenkai Forum Apprentice

    Character name: Uenkai
    Server: Heredur
    Presents: 179 Green
  4. AmarWilrick

    AmarWilrick Forum Pro

    74 Green presents
    Char's Name : Amarlord
    Server : Werian
  5. Universeea

    Universeea Advanced

    Name. Deathp0le
    Server. Tegan
    179 Green presents.
  6. Kordunas

    Kordunas Forum Apprentice

    char: Ladykorana
    server: grimmag
    75 green presents
  7. harrfall

    harrfall Forum Greenhorn

    Char name : Halfbeard
    Server : Tegan
    Green present : 74
  8. greyspirit

    greyspirit Forum Apprentice

    180 green presents
  9. Sekalan

    Sekalan Forum Apprentice

    Character Name:Sekalan
    Answer: 179 green presents
  10. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    char name: bloodyneoo
    server: tegan
    green presents: 180

    Correct and eigible
  11. rosalindaa

    rosalindaa Forum Greenhorn

  12. LadyOfSorcery

    LadyOfSorcery Forum Greenhorn

    Char name: Totalchoas
    Server: Agathon
    i counted 74 Green presents in the map!
  13. OptimusStorm

    OptimusStorm Forum Greenhorn

  14. Dilholigan

    Dilholigan Forum Apprentice

    Char name : Dilholigan
    Server : Heredur
    Presents : 181
  15. DarthYuji

    DarthYuji Forum Apprentice

    74 green presents
    Name: Darthyuji
    Server: Grimmag
  16. Vivy91

    Vivy91 Forum Greenhorn

    character name : MrsArcheress
    server : werian
    presents : 74
  17. bendeguz75

    bendeguz75 Forum Apprentice

    Caracter name: Csúzlis
    server: grimmag
    green present:180
  18. jcdenton007

    jcdenton007 Forum Apprentice

    Character Name: Xenala
    Server: Agathon
    Presents: 180

    Correct and eigible
  19. CáCáCá

    CáCáCá Active Author

    Name: Motorboatmygoat
    Server: Heredur
    Presents: 180
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
    Morinphen likes this.
  20. Megakiller17

    Megakiller17 Forum Greenhorn

    Nickname - Exterminatorbh
    Server - Grimmag
    Green gifts - 180
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