Endless grinding for exp

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Rhysingstar, Jun 8, 2014.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I would say thousands of times considering how many characters some of us have leveled. :)
    ToshiBoy likes this.
  2. Matijari_Trkxelsson

    Matijari_Trkxelsson Someday Author

    too bad there is not a build-in counter of how many enemies have one beaten already, in group, alone, drops statistic and stuff like that....
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  3. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    That sounds about right. I've been grinding and grinding and thanks to the latest event, at least I have a new section to grind for a while.
  4. -Wintersolstice-

    -Wintersolstice- Forum Apprentice

    just a tip: fastest way to gain xp at 44 is to run the top part of Thunder crest, running loops around the gate where the Dragon Berserker Commanders spawn. There should be 9 that you can repeatedly farm for about 1.3k xp each. grab a mage for easy duo runs (too many people = unorganized)
    BigPapa likes this.
  5. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    i dont understand how you can complain about the exp rate in dso. I think we shouldnt get so much so fast. you can do 450k-500k exp pro hour at your lvl gorga farming. The problem with my chars is that they lvl to fast. In other games max lvl is sometimes impossible if you dont use exp buffs and pay a lot.
    GroovieGimp and BigPapa like this.
  6. k00k13m0nst4

    k00k13m0nst4 Forum Greenhorn

    how much is permissible difference between lvls in group/party to lower lvl getting exp?

    i got it, 5-+lvls
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2015
  7. Mindship

    Mindship Forum Inhabitant

    I don't mind the grinding (usually): the graphics and SFX are very engaging. What concerns me is, how do I keep powering up my character for the higher levels (I'm lvl 30 currently)? I've bought some gems, my equipment is all up to lvl 30, but I'm low on andermant (less than 4000, and I refuse to buy more at this time; I budget myself monthly), and the amount of andermant you get ingame (via drops, quests or melting) is too low (by a factor of 10, I figure, based on other games I've played).

    The only time I get 100,000+ anders ingame is when I replace, say, blue gear with pink gear. But given the variability inherent in gear (rarely do I get gear that's actually worth upgrading to), that bonus is very rare.

    More than other games I've played, DSO is very much "geared" to separate you from your $$$. Again, I understand that's how the developers make their living, but the ratio of what-you-need to what-you-get is way, way off.

    At some point soon, I'll just be now-n-then dabbling in this game.
    Trailboss1 likes this.
  8. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    To keep leveling up, keep doing maps with monsters within 5 levels of you. Don't group with others who are more than 5 levels above you. Do the events solo as they will level the monsters to match yours. Do the Moon events off time to get the silver essence/fairy wood. Make it your daily quest so that you can do those events when they are active to get the gear. You can also get in groups to do the bosses at whatever level you are at. For example, Sigrismarr Frostclaw or Gorga can dump lots of exp on you. There are lots of things to do to level up and improve your toon. Enjoy!
  9. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Remember, you buy an "Advantage over the others". But the game does not require you to spend any money.
    Most players are F2P. Complaining that the game "requires" you to pay cash is an incorrect opinion.
  10. Mindship

    Mindship Forum Inhabitant

    Indeed, cash is not required. My complaint is that this game generates a lot less ingame currency compared to others I've played. OTOH, if most players are f2p...that's encouraging, if true.

    This is basically what I've started doing. And the funny thing is (and now I'm gonna sound a bit foolish in light of my above complaint), I'm finding that questing in levels above me is not that difficult, ie, I may not have to keep up with my equipment upgrades (at least, not as much as I thought). This game is definitely challenging my expectations regarding your "typical" browser game.
  11. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Really, 450-500K per hour ??? Well obviously you get far more exp points per kill than I ever did when I was in the late 30's, I got about 8k per run on Gorga (solo) and since I wasn't able to 1 hit him and complete 56 to 62 runs per hour, that didn't work for me. This thread was also created when the game crashed regularly when leaving or entering maps. So figuring in the rebooting times, it made doing fast trips just a tad harder.

    However, here's the issue in a nutshell.

    Through level 30 you can basically run the quests given and with very little grinding get from map to map and not only advance through the levels but also improve your character. Not greatly, but still improving slightly.

    Then you hit the late 30's and the quests do very little to move you forward. You are forced to grind endlessly for just the hope that some decent piece of gear magically falls from the gods.

    There are no quests for better gear, no quests for good gems, no quests for anything useful, just mind numbing grind.

    I find it incredibly difficult to believe that I am the lone player who thinks that after weeks and weeks of grinding the same map over and over and over again that there should be some reasonable expectation of improving your character, at least a little bit.

    However, what you find is that the end maps (regular) are worse for drops than the lower maps. Can anyone honestly claim that they farm Stalgard for any reason?

    I have never wanted to just be given the best gear or exp bumps for nothing, all I have ever asked is that there be some point to the grind.

    More recently they have changed the enchantments so that encourages more grinding with less chance of reward. Add to that they basically took away the crafting and what's left to encourage the grind?

    Now the best advice I've been given is to leave the game for a while, come back once they add more content. How sad is that? Instead of encouraging me (with some form of minor reward or reasonable chance of improvement) to play more and maybe even go back to spending some money on the game, I am left with nothing to do but maybe signing on for the daily bonus while I spend my time searching for another game that actually wants my money.
    ToshiBoy likes this.
  12. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    It's hard to argue with stats. If you look at the social list [F]-key, you'll find no end to level 45s. What this should tell you is that (1) it is possible, and (2) others find it worth the effort. I'm not sure were your post is going but it seems to have trailed off into the tissue box isle of the grocery store. You've been given a lot of advice on what to do to make this effort easier and more efficient. I'll try one more time in case you missed it. Grind a Boss. Get 'er done. Good luck.
    Trailboss1 and BigPapa like this.
  13. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I can't wait to see my xp bar wiggle again. Right now it just sits there, staring at me, no matter how many things I kill, over, and over, and over. And yet I continue to try and resuscitate it, over, and over, and over. Someday soon it will gain new life and every kill will provide it with life blood and the joy of movement till it explodes with radiant light then resets itself. All so I can enjoy the experience four more times. Sometimes I wonder the populated streets of Kingshill, just to see the radiant light again and here the sound of celebration as it announces itself before it rests. {sigh} But I must wait a bit longer.
  14. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    To be honest, I'm not sure how excited I really am about the lvl increase and the maddening 5 lvls of grinding that follows. After lvl 38 it was insane with the grinding. Imagine the tedious grinding from lvl 45-50. I'll do it...eventually. But not like I was years ago. I spent 10-12 hours a day, 3-4 days a week, getting to lvl 45. I honestly hope they have some new, very exciting "creations" in the making.

    But we all know DSO...with new...anything comes new, unfixed bugs.
    jeffzrx likes this.
  15. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    LOL i know :)
  16. dannyy868686

    dannyy868686 Someday Author

    Im having huge issuses now, 2 and half bars in to lvl 43, no quests left... what am I meant to do?, you removed xp pots from the shop with out replacing it with anything now im pretty much stuck
  17. awaroa

    awaroa Advanced

    dont understand i am lvl 45 and i still have quests have you done in PW q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 some how i dont think so
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You don't need XP potion. Just grind for XP wherever is easy for you.
    You can kill the commanders in Thunder Crest they are giving a lot of XP ... in addition you can buy scroll of insight from the shop(100% more XP for 60min.).
    BTW ... once you come to level 43 you will need to fill 8 bars by grinding XP. :D
  19. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    I finally understand the expression, 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink'.

    1. Cycle Bosses such as Gorga. Do this with the smallest group size possible if you can't solo just yet.
    2. Farm PW. Preferably farm and Cape quest through Ocean of Bones (OOB) and then Halls of the Dead (HoD).
    3. Socket your XP Gem you received during your first week of daily login reward.
    4. Conjure an XP pet. There are a few to choose from now. I believe there is a 20% and a 25% version.
    5. Supplement XP gain with a bit of PVP. That also adds a bit of mental distraction from the rest of the grind. AND (this is important), you gain XP even if you suck at PVP. Your group member kills will also bring up your XP gain. You may walk away with low Fame points but you are steadily rising in XP.

    1. Rely on Stalgard quest line to get it all done.
    2. Group on PVE wilderness maps unless they are PW.
    3. Lament on slow progression on the board.
  20. dannyy868686

    dannyy868686 Someday Author

    you mean the quests that give no xp?, and trying to find a group for these quest is near on impossible

    there is nothing easy about killing gorga 5000 times or killing them mini boss's 5000 times just to lvl up and then have to do it again for lvl 44-45 when the devs should just add more quests...they clearly made the gap to get people to spend cash to get xp pots its so obvious and used is most f2p, pw2 games, but they removed them and added nothing in return
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